GingerKidz's Comments
I’m just *%&$ing my pants imagining this one in golden. IDC how good it is, probably day 1 craft.
In wild you can burn half your opponents deck w/ void contract, then do some Barnes shenanigans to mill 10 cards… and if that isn’t enough, Y’shaarj can bring it back for 5 more. :-O
17.0.2 Balance Patch is now Live!
The combo with doll master looks strong. Swaguar was streaming quite a bit of it. I also think it requires a bit more thought, because you need to keep plot twist and a cheap spell, in addition to getting rid excess minions in hand and on board.
In hand need Dollmaster, M’thun, KT, cheap spell, plot twist, cataclysm. Soularium is ideal for triggering the combo. As you can draw the last 3 cards in deck and Twist. I am excited to play it as it is very close in QM matchups.
17.0.2 Balance Patch is now Live!
The nerf to sac pact was 100% necessary. A zero mana “assassinate an opponent’s demon” is beyond broken. The context needs to be kept in mind… Sac Pact was out long before any other class ran demons. Demons were solely Warlock. Sac Pact’s original use was to sacrifice some tempo to heal your hero. In this context, it fits with warlock’s themes and is pretty fair. If this card wasn’t changed, warlocks will always be able to bully Demon Hunters w/ a zero cost removal.
I am happy for this change, yes in short term it may buff DH… but it will let the ladder also organically work to counter it rather than the instant, “I need to play Lock.” Also, I can finally play Jaraxxus again. Zephrys –> Sac Pact interaction was beyond dumb.
Shadowjeweler Hanar
I love the art on this card! Playing with the other class secrets as if they were jewels.
Will try to make this work. Would have to go in a tempo-based rogue list… secret keepers, new one drop with sap/step effect, 2/3 that gains +1/+1 if control secret, etc… however rogue may at best get 3 secrets this expansion… considering there needs to be a density of secrets to work (probably 4-5 in deck?!), not sure how viable a secret based rogue will be. May be more viable in wild with other support.
Masters Tour Arlington Top 8 - Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
I’m just looking at the deck costs, and all I see is Blizzard raking in the cash… very few competitive decks under 10k dust!
Anyone know why the popularity of HL warrior in the tournament meta (2/6 in top 8)?
Worst case is: 4 commons + 1 rare in each pack (4*50+ 1*100 = 300 dust/pk; 1500dust/bundle)
Worst case for small bundle is 3100 dust… which is better than the 100dust/$1 ratio I look for.