GameDJJD's Comments
Devolving Missiles
Sad that it cannot be buffed by Spelldamage like the real missiles.
Flik Skyshiv
I wish the text would read:
“Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Combo: Also destroy all copies of it (wherever they are).”
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
Has someone a link for the Gleam page with the announced winners?
Dwarven Archaeologist
If it works with Elysiana at all, it will discount all discovered cards by 1.
Body Wrapper
Maybe he refers to a Shadow Essence card we don’t know. Because the Shadow Essence I know has no similarities to this card, just like you said.
Blatant Decoy
You still didn’t read the card text correctly. It doesn’t summon a copy of the minions. So, you can’t pull 2x Malygos from your hand unless you have 2 Malygoose in your hand.
Zephrys the Great
Or do you mean you will lose against Bomb Warrior if you play this card yourself?
That makes more sense because Bomb Warrior counters all Singleton Decks.
Naga Sand Witch
I won’t say so, just because one of the other Nagas cost 8. Originally the Naga Sea Witch was at 5 Mana too. Maybe this will also be nerfed to 8 Mana 😉
Activate the Obelisk
You can’t even counter it by not dealing any damage to your opponent. Then your opponent just heals YOU for 15 and still wins the game 😮
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
Everyone with at least 1 entry can win, more entries just increase your chance
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
You have Discord installed, right?
If you try to get the entries let it guide you to the browser version of Discord and don’t jump to the installed version. That should work.
Titanic Lackey
I somehow thought they would replace the old Lackeys with new ones but it seems like they only add new ones.
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
The way I understood it, is that you can only win the 50 Cards bundle here, but you can still buy the 80 Cards bundle by yourself.
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
As much as I like the idea of a giveaway, I don’t like how much data gleam gets from it
When you destroy one of them ON YOUR TURN, you will receive a random Legendary minion that costs 3 less mana.
Why the fuck do you write a guide if it’s WRONG!
The opponent gets the Legendary if the Gift on your turn.