gameBUG99's Comments
Best comparison is Voidlord from Kobolds and Catacombs, and that card saw a lot of play. HOWEVER, the reason Voidlord was so good was because there a lot of ways to cheap it out early or resurrect it, so you didn’t have to pay 9 mana for it. Currently, there isn’t any good ways Paladin can cheap this out, so until we get a reliable and efficient way to get this card onto the field, it’s a pretty bad card. Great Arena card though.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
But you are kind of dismissing it. I don’t see Quest Plot Twist Warlock or Quest Warrior in the Off-Meta Decks, yet I see Quest Hunter, which I remind you, is worst then Warlock quest because 20 summoning minions is harder than drawing cards, and after you complete the quest, it hard for you to draw all the cards you spent summoning minions. Plus, drawing a zero mana card is always better than 2+ attack. Also, a lot of Quest Mage is just Cyclone or Conjurer Calling Mage with the quest. Those decks are already good, the quest is just an extra late-game help. Quest Plot Twist Warlock needs some defense cards, like board wipes and taunts, so they can survive to late game, where they shine. These are the things Quest Warlock players would know because they know their matchups. That is something statistics can’t show you. Just give the community some times and learn how to play with the new cards. And please add all the decks on Top Standard Deck, because they are still standard decks and you have an Off-Meta section for a reason.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Well, I guess people in rank 20-15 don’t have good decks because I have at least a 50% winrate with my quest warlock deck.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Why isn’t Plot Twist Quest Warlock in here? It’s a playable deck in ladder.
High Priest Amet
If High Priest Amet took damage and you are are going to summon a minion, the minion health will become High Priest Amet’s DAMAGE health, not maximum health. Just wanted to point that out.
Tavern Brawl - The Burndown
And then add Southsea Captain or/and a 3 mana Skycap’n Kragg, That tempo play is insane!!!
Mechanical Inn-Vitational Has Started! "Sealed" Format, 16 Players, Unique Rules
Isn’t Bunny FuFuu a League of Legends pro player? When did he start playing Hearthstone?
Jepetto Joybuzz
I don’t understand why people are rating this card 4 or even 3 stars. It’s 4 stars at best if you actually got maylgos or prophet, but the chance of that is very rare. And 8 mana for only a 6/6 is crap. The battlecry is awesome but the problem with this card is how inconsistent it is. You’re not gonna pull out a powerful minion every single time. It could work 100% with mechatun, by drawing all your cards, reducing the cost of mechatun to 8 with 2 galvanizers and then playing baleful banker and playng jepetto joybuzz and then playing a 1 mana spell that deals damage to your mechatun. It will take a long time but this is the only way this card can see play, at least from the top of my head. The card has a really cool battlecry but the inconsistent is just overweight the op battlecry.
Lead Dancer seem like it’s going be the Possessed Lackey for this set. However, compare to Possessed Lackey, I believe it is a worst card. Lead Dancer is too restricting and expensive on deck building for Paladin. Paladin would have to contest board without having any minions that have attack lower than 4, and it has to do this until turn to 7 to get Annoy-o-troupe (you need to wait a turn to trade Lead Dancer into another minion for the Deathrattle). We just need to wait till the Core Set and the rest of this set to be reveal to see if this review still holds up.