Gallows's Comments
Jambre's Murloc Paladin - #1 Legend (June 2017, Season 39)
Damn, no Papa Tirion? I guess maybe you are hoping to pull one from Stonehill, plus you already run 4 other weapons. Still a bit strange IMO
Fr0zen's (Luminosity) Jade Druid - Trinity Series
The deck was used in the Trinity Tournament which allowed two class bans, which means most teams will ban two out of the three main Patches decks (Shaman, Rogue, Warrior). With the Pirate/Aggro decks banned, the remaining matchups will likely involve Reno Decks like Renolock and Reno Mage, even Reno Priest, then you have Anyfin Paladin, a mirror match in Jade Druid or either C’Thun Combo Druid or Malygos Combo Druid, also Dragon Priest, Freeze Mage, etc. With most Aggro decks banned, this means your other matchups will have more minions that you’ll want to Mulch – so two Mulches.
This deck likely get’s stomped on ladder. But in tournaments it does fairly well.
Pirate Warrior