Fystiki2's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
It’s not that it’s difficult to play. I can see how this can win against slow decks, but in the rank 10 range which is full of Highlander Hunters and Quest Shamans, this deck doesn’t stand a chance. I did get a fairly big win streak with it, but it turned into an even bigger loss streak soon after. It all seems to depend on getting Amet on curve and popping off after that, but like I said in my original post, he just gets silenced or Hexed. If you wait in this kind of meta to play a combo round for draw etc, you’ll be dead before you know it. Anyways, that’s my experience. I have seen people play this deck with EXTEMELY good draws and get wins in higher ranks, but around rank 10, it is trash. The data that you provided in your first link confirms it since all the decks that Combo Priest has a below 50% win rate, seem to be the ONLY ones played at this rank. Just a suggestion though, perhaps you should opne this kind of posts with a disclaimer anouncing the rank range that the data comes from (I take it it’s five to Legend?) and that the data – meta in other ranges can be completely different. Maybe it’s an EU thing, but those red decks are the ONLY ones that I see played. Usually I get like two or three Shamans in a row, followed by a control Warrior and then a few hunters, Wash, rinse and repeat ad nauseam. Thanks for the reply and the data. Sorry about the tone, I wasn’t doubting your research. Keep up the good work!
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Erm sorry, but how the hell is combo Priest tier 1? Name me one meta deck that this is favored against. Quest Shaman will wipe the floor with you, control Warrioelr needs EXTREMELY bad luck to lose against you, pretty much any hunter deck breaks no sweat beating you… The deck seems too dependant on drawing the Legendary on curve and on all the games I have played, this has NEVER happened! Maybe it’s my bad luck, but all meta decks I have come across were able to handle my early aggression without breaking a sweat, perhaps the meta has shifted because silences are all over the place and even quest shamans run Hex, at least around rank 10 in the EU ladder. Murloc Paladin seems a lot better for aggro players. Also, for all the hype this deck is getting, it seems that Noone is playing. All priests I come across are quest decks. Sorry, but even plain Ole token Druid is better than this deck. Don’t waste your dust and time.
Tombs of Terror Coming September 17! Dual Classes, Signature Treasures, 16 Packs Rewards, Pre-Order For $19.99 For Extra Card Back + Random Legendary
No useless Legendary that can’t be disenchanted for completing this adventure? Booo! Hisss!
Saviors of Uldum Post-Nerf Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
So, the consensus seems to be that Luna’s gets dusted while Dr. Boom is still good? Also, is there any chance for a slightly budget Quest Druid deck to be viable? Druid and Rogue are the only classes I don’t have any Legendaries for, apart from Druid’s Quest and the new Elise….
BTW, don’t know if its the nerf or whatever, but after a month of being stuck at ranks 7-6 I made it from rank 7 two stars all the way to rank 5 in one win streak with just a mech version of token Druid. I run into three Quest Paladins in a row and despite my bad early draws, I beat all of them. Seems that wide and sticky boards are difficult to deal with in the current meta…
Cyclone Mage - #1 Legend (ARAI) - Uldum Post-Nerf
So that’s just plain old Cyclone Mage? I thought that the “Mage RIP” comments were too premature, but seeing how long it took for even that Mage deck to appear and that I haven’t faced a single Mage on the ladder since the nerf, I guess I was wrong…
Battlecry Shaman - Theo - Uldum Post-Nerf
I really like this deck, however I did make some adjustments of my own. I don’t have Barista Lynchen and honestly, I think that she’s a bit overkill in this deck. Our hand is almost always nearly full and overdrawing or burning generating minions is always a problem. I never found myself in a situation where Lynchen would have won me the game… I switched her out for a Former Champ and since I only have one Vulpera Scoundrel, I threw in a Mutate as well. Seems to work pretty fine. I have beat three different flavors of control Warrior and the only decks I seem to struggle with are token based ones if I get bad draws early on and Combo Priest.
Fun brawl! Beat it first time! Seems like sir Finley is the hardest of the bunch. Since you face him second (at least I got him second, I don’t know if the order is random) you can run out of cards very easily…