Flamewaker3053's Comments
Baku Control Elemental Mage
He doesn’t even know what he is talking about….like firebat in his rotation video xD
I would play muster for battle over rallying blade, rest looks good
Canttell's Spell Priest ft Dragon soul (Rastakhan)
I like the deck maybe you could play 1 priest of the feast, great heal with all the spells
Elemental Exodia (no quest)
I would change 2x phoenix for 2x fire fly. Gonna try that right now
Double trouble
Like the idea but if you play paladin you need call to arms, way to broken. But the deck looks fun
Midrange Hunter Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I would play 2x corridor creeper with unlesash the hounds! 0 mana 5/5 beast with tundra rhino!!
Czech Republic's HGG 1st Place Murloc Paladin - Season 1
Amazing with all the buff cards, won my so many games out off nowhere and synergies with corpsetaker as well!
Handbuff again?! Blizzard pls…