Feitonghofei's Comments
A really strong and flexible card that can easily fit into any control or value deck
Rush + Windfury = walking fountain with more attack but no lifesteal, enough to kill two 5-cost minion
Rush + Divine Shield = kill a 6-health minion and leave a 6/6/ body, simply a better blazecaller without precondition or a weaker Shirvallah without lifesteal
Rush + Taunt = kill a mid-size minion and leave a taunt (usually 6/3 or 6/2) behind, still acceptable
Taunt+ Divine Shield = Paladin’s A New Challenger, a big taunt stalling opponent’s attack
The flexibility of having the above four options is enough to make it a strong play at turn 7
Cos its from this awesome youtube reveal that you should really check it out
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
seven mana do nothing to control the board. Convince me why would big spell mage use this card.
Subject 9
I hv preordered since karazhan but this time I m still not convinced that I should pay for this expansion. All the love to Druid is so discouraging.
It is a lazy evaluation simply by saying that a deathrattle would be countered by silence and transformation effect. If that is the case every deathrattle won’t be playable at all.
Not saying this card will be competitive but it seems rogue or priest will find a way to cheat out the minion and trigger the effect with combo.
Boommaster Flark
It will be a wrong evaluation of the card if u just think of the potential face damage.
This looks like support to midrange hunter mech deck. The true value of he card is to create FOUR Mechs in one go to provide basis for Magnetize. In comparison you create two mechs in one card with Giggling Inventor (5 mana Summon two 1/2 Mechs with Taunt and Divine Shield). If opponent kills all of them, ya they take 8 damage. But if they don’t, u buff the Mechs as u like.
Blizzard Discussing Changes to Naga Sea Witch & Some Popular Standard Cards
Usually we have this kind of nerf /change discussion at the end of 4-month expansion, yet now we are only one month after the yearly set rotation. This shows how poor the state of the game currently is.
Evans' Even Shaman (May 2018)
Would card draw be a problem? Do u need anything like cult master?
Sjow's Witchwood Cube Taunt Druid ft. Master Oakheart, Spiritsinger Umbra
its true that this deck feels hopeless against Shudderwock shaman or mage with double polymorph. But it has amazing matchup agaisnt basically any hunter, paladin, warlock and warrior, and a okay matchup with priest. tempo rogue is a tough one tough as taunt druid keeps falling behind in tempo.
Absolutely. I focused on my four examples simply because they give instant impact to the board.