FCKitsumaru's Comments
Tavern Brawl - The Great Amalgamation!
Just play mana demon hunter it was pretty fun ngl for me :)!
Tavern Brawl - The Great Amalgamation!
the deck code got snipped off here it is, sorry about that.
Tavern Brawl - The Great Amalgamation!
This deck hasn’t failed me yet. Some super sick combos and boards. Also, the free semi bloodlust was almost too good to pass up. Enjoy this most busted brawl my friends.
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Shaman
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Totemic Surge
# 2x (1) Hungry Crab
# 2x (2) Fire Plume Harbinger
# 2x (2) Firetree Witchdoctor
# 2x (2) Galvanizer
# 2x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 2x (2) Ice Fishing
# 2x (2) Mechwarper
# 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P
# 2x (3) Southsea Captain
# 2x (4) Gentle Megasaur
# 1x (4) Old Murk-Eye
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (6) Thing from Below
# 2x (7) Everyfin is Awesome
# 1x (7) The Curator
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Ben Brode Says They Are Considering Options Concerning Druid (More to Share This Week)!
I have to agree with a couple comments here. The fact that innervate is a basic card isn’t fine but cheap taunts is ok but when you innervate a cheap taunt, play a dude and buff sure it’s a strong play that’s all it is. What people lack is the mulligan sometimes you have to try and mulligan to try and have a early start and possibly removal in the case of your opponent playing aggro, and decent mid game for jade. The problem is Druid has an aggro deck and jade and sometimes you have an odd variant or a homebrew list of a current deck jade, aggro, token and there is no midrange strategy that is been proven besides midrange paladin(Which is the only deck that seems to have a decent chance) So what the real problem is that development has not provided classes with options to combat early game effectively, and support Midrange deck effectiveness against jade. Currently the game needs buffs to cards, and possibly nerfing the cheap taunts. Ultimate infestation is a win more card and an alternate to playing auctioneer but then people still play auctioneer to get infestation. The fact is jade is somewhat oppressive but just enough for balance innervate is pretty controversial for a basic card, it is a good card but free mana even for a turn is really powerful, but the overall power level of Druid feels close to the old days of midrange Druid but the aggro variant is able to devastate by abusing tools that were intended for a midrange Ramp class and cheap taunts pretty much made it worse so if they want to fix Druid stop making cards that abuse innervate. Every class needs a weakness no cheap taunts and little early game is druids it compensates with Ramp some ok removal and late game. Druid does not need an aggro playstyle, fledgling is ok but turn one fledgling turn two mark and innervate a two drop taunt is not ok. I’ve done it in the name of science and that’s the reason Druid is busted not the cards. Developers are not seeing that filling a weakness of a class turns it into near invincible and disrupts the game and causes problems I wish I could talk to brode for five mins and tell him this after playing MTG since it came out in early 90’s quit after the ban train hit modern hard and kept on going I know how dangerous bans or nerfs can affect the players and the game. Greed cards like infestation are ok cheap taunts and neutral cards like fledgling and Bittertide Hydra wich even impact arena are not fine, the former neutral card imo is better than the latter but all in all it’s starting to suffer from not having a future oversite committee for sets card design and interactions with current and the years future card releases. MTG suffered the same when development became lax and didn’t test all formats and interactions like players do and suffered from Poor set design not taking in factors and making cards without testing all the way. So really let’s not blame it all on innervate and infestation it’s the fact that mulligans are awkward and druid should have never had strategies for aggro that includes wild eggs too, that deck was pretty good before power creep. So sooner blizzard learns from this mistake sooner we can all move on with our lives and enjoy the game again. I sure hope this insight to the problem is accurate and I hope to see you all on the ladder.
The Lich King Boss Adventure - Y'Shaarj Hunter Deck List Guide
There is no scenario where this deck works i have played fifty games not one outcome that comes close to anyone on here that says they got licky and won that means there has to be a better deck out there.
Hearthstone Patch 8.0.0 for Journey to Un'Goro & Year of the Mammoth is Live - Patch Notes
Wow still no update. This is getting annoying how google and Apple can’t update in sync with blizzard. How depressing.
Hearthstone Patch 8.0.0 for Journey to Un'Goro & Year of the Mammoth is Live - Patch Notes
Is the mobile app being updated today as well?
Jambre's Top 10 EU Standard Secret Paladin Deck List Guide
I have had much success with this archetype switched in a curve so it can fundamentally function. Dragon egg was terrible flame juggler is def better vs most games. The 2/1 Deathrattle is better over abusive seargeant. Steward of darkshire failed to impress me as well other than the occasional noble sacrifice divine shield which was hardly necessary, I put in Brann Bronzebeard it is excellent. Repentence actually allows for clutch plays so I love it warrior and Hunter a problem not after Harrison jones and stampeding kodo fits well especially with Aldor Peacekeeper. Rags for mid to late finisher is good of course Tirion is amazing as always. Avenging wrath suprised me it is great in most matches. Overall my rating is 8 out of ten seems like once it gets nestled in it will def be a great counter meta deck.
I meant naga* for some reason it autocorrected to mana lmao!