fastteag's Comments
Casie's #19 Legend Malygos Druid (Boomsday)
They already have a basic guide on Maly druid here
The differences with this specific deck was the unusual inclusions of double wrath, running bloodmage without starfall, and reincluding starfire which is a semi popular card in maly druid pre-boomsday. He also cut BOTH branching paths which is never seen in the deck, on twitter he said he felt at most they’re a one of card which is fair (still think running 1 at least is better than none)
Updated: Boomsday Project Tempo Mage - #6 Legend (Apxvoid)
For those wondering what to replace Luna with if you don’t have her. He recommended on twitter to add a counterspell as a replacement. So thats a choice, but then again on livestream he said he thinks single counterspell is better right now because of how good having runes off ur Arconologist is, so if u wanted to try something different, then Celestial Emissary or Bloodmage would be your best bet (I’ve actually personally found Celestial to be an inclusion in the deck myself)
Apxvoid's #1 Legend Aggro Secret Mage - July 2018
As much as I wish I could agree Zoo is pretty heavily favored. Obv if u absolutely highroll the Tempo mage can win, but overall being someone who has played a ton of tempo mage over the years I can easily say its a bad matchup. HSReplay also has it favored at 70% winrate for zoolock vs Tempo mage at 5-Legend.
Meati's (RastaFish) #40 Legend Exodia Mage - Post-Nerf Witchwood
“#40 Legend” clearly means the decks bad and not ur own play right?
Meati's (RastaFish) #40 Legend Exodia Mage - Post-Nerf Witchwood
U could prolly replace Thalnos with Polymorph. That being said why not craft Thalnos, cards been good since the game came out.
SpaDj's #4 Legend Big Spell Mage - Witchwood Post-Nerf
Agreed, I’m not rank 4 legend but I was top 200 with Big Spell mage last season and using Elise is just not a great idea, u have to hold on to her if u plan to use dragons fury alot of the times and its another value generator and adds 1 more card for fatigue, but if u just used something like Sindragosa like u mention you’ll get plenty of value. Atm tho, my late game is Alex, Lich King, Alanna, and Jaina. I’m not running either :/
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Its a tier 1 deck
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Theres alot of good decks missing from this list.
Senfglas' Legend Witchwood Secret Face Hunter (May 2018)
This deck is way more powerful than I expected. 62% winrate to legend today 😀
Mind Blast Control Priest Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Calling a deck trash because you don’t know how to play it is pretty stupid, it is one of the top decks in high legend at the moment. It’s incredibly good vs the top decks right now but its a very skill testing deck and requires practice.
Also, who in this game is playing kingsbane, quest amara and four horsemen decks, hell I’ve only seen one rush warrior and elemental mage.
Spiteful Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
In top 500 legend rn this deck is ran quite often, its quite a powerful deck because confirming a 10 drop off of Summoner is incredibly powerful as the worst 10 drop u can get at the moment is a 8/8 on turn 6 with the 4/4 body of spiteful.
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Same feeling here, not a very engaging deck to play and I feel weird playing a deck that just outright wins me games unless my opponent draws insane. Its unstoppable against almost every deck.
LambySeries' #13 Legend Witchwood Quest Warrior
King mosh if u have him, if not u can just play another taunt minion and be fine.
Top 200 Big Spell Mage
Hi, Voodoo doll is still a good option for removal in the deck if that is something you have and want to include. I’d say its up to you if you want to wait or not on crafting, toki is def a card I wouldn’t worry about at the moment. The most key “expensive” cards are Frost lich Jaina, Baron Geddon, Dragoncaller Alanna, Doomsayer, and the removal spells.
Apxvoid's Witchwood Aggro Secret Mage ft. Cinderstorm, Lifedrinker
Its good enough to see constructed play because of its ability to deal with the low health boards Paladin and Hunter make and also can be used well as damage.
Should just be titled “Taunt druid” instead since Big druid is generally referring to a different deck archtype.