Falkenar's Comments
Year of the Dragon is Coming To Hearthstone! Hall of Fame Rotation: Baku & Genn (+Synergies), Doomguard, Naturalize, Divine Favor
Do we get the usual refund for all of fame cards? i read in the article that we have full refund for a limited time… i’m confused.
HCT Winter Championship 2019 - All Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
out of topic. The window whit advertising is very invasive and really make the site un usable to me.
Are Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater too strong?
They are going to get a big nerf anyway, the rotaton itself. Now there are 6 playble expansion, and it is more easy fullfill a deck whith just enought powerfull odd or even carsds. in a 4 expansion set rotation it will be more difficoult. Baku and genn multiplied the archetipe viable, please do not hurt them.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Zerek, Master Cloner is not safe to dust, just now is not used.
Arcane Dynamo
Is that reiable enught to draw some kind of specific card? like ultimate infestation? warlock can draw a removal for sure? does not look grate, but can surprise.
Replicating Menace
This card gives magnetic deck stickness. You use on some mech, then when it dies you still have target for you magnetic mech, i like it.
This look like a fun card. But if a pro player find a consistent way to kill the opponent whit him , will gain tons of ate.This rings my some kind of wild bell, but i cannot still focus….
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Question: if i untap my hero power, it is the same i just used, or rotate?
The Soularium
Every player that know MTG know this could be the powerfull card ever “printed” in HS. Zoolock is already top tier, and this is a huge boost. it can be used even in combo, if you check your mana correctly. Have marginal use in discard decks, but thiscard in this wai is a big waste of the card.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
2 questions:
1) everitimes you change hero power in this game you can use it again.Does this apply to doc boom ?
2) dottor boom is dottor 7,cost 7, 7armour, 7…no, 6???hero powers? do we still miss one?
My deck, your deck, who cares....
MIrage caller have the risk to sit in your hand, and the potential o change the game. the basic situation is to replicate an oracle o r shade to draw one more from the opponent, but you can copy a cleric for more draw, the elemental for mor spell discount, the lightspawn, and buff it, or maybe…Lyra! And very often you can copy something good stolen from opponent, manatide totem, fire totem, tyrion.. he is not a totem, but he is still good 😛
Standout Decks of the Week #2 - Un'Goro Meta
This is my first time at level 9, and whit no great effort or time spent.
i used inner fire priest, is the deck not meta relevant?
Fire Plume's Heart
This will be my first craft asap. It will be nerfed so fast I can craft soon sonething else.
How Will the Small-Time Buccaneer & Spirit Claws Nerfs Impact the Meta?
Very good article, i agree totally. I hope that zoolock comes back ^_^.
Spellbook Duel - Tavern Brawl
THis was a really fun brawl, i just played this brawl andno standard or wild for all the time it was out.
Quota's Buff'Thun (January 2017) - Season 34
I?m on something close to this, just n’zoth instead of c’thun, deadrattle minion get more value from goose synergy then c’thon disciple. For healing, because the meta is aggro oriented i run 2 Ivory knigth and 2 tuskar rider, i also run 2 dirty rat, they save from pirate assault and if you cast them well you canpck reno or auctioner, or simply use them before consacrate combo. Or to die miserably like i do.
Reno Kazakus Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
I love the deck, but at a time like this loosing on miracle rogue and renolock make a deck pointless.
Zalae's C'Thun Renolock (January 2017, Season 34)
Why Thaurassian? isn’t better sylvanas here?
They probably Will print 3 classe Hero each espansion, the next 3 expansiobs are related, so all 9 classe Will get a new hero in the dragon year! King kobold shoulb be Warrior or rogue… Hagata shaman …again ? Warlok maybe? The next seem to be Boom again… but print 2 of the 3 already existing Hero… Dont know…