Facepunch8888's Comments
Galakrond's Awakening Week 1 Has Launched - Battle of the Frozen Coast!
Same for me, and I’m in the US
Exodia Mage - #53 Legend (SoLegit) - Uldum Doom
Oh thanks. That’s actully looks really cool
Exodia Mage - #53 Legend (SoLegit) - Uldum Doom
How is this an Exodia mage? Is it supposed to be a fatigue mage or is there a combo I’m not seeing?
Miracle Mecha'thun Rogue - Doom in the Tomb – isandrg
What’s the main combo of this deck? Was thinking of crafting Anka for it but I wanna know how it works beforehand
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
The time has come. These mortals will know the true power of the seas!
Secret Mage - Saviors of Uldum - #47 Legend (Montu)
Would it be ridiculous to use the mage quest in this deck? I’ve done some small playtesting and I think it’s not a bad idea
Colossus of the Moon
Why do people keep saying this? Conjurers Calling in mountain Giant won’t get you it and I don’t know of any other 10 drop mage has to use this on
High Priest Amet
I think a 5/7. Also playing Twilight Drake with this on board gives you a 4/7+x where x is the number of cards in hand. For example with five extra cards in hand that’s a 4/12 and a 2/7 for 8 mana (and 2 cards)
Giant Combo Priest - Shadows HoF - #58 Legend (guard1019)
Really like the deck, I actually find it more consistent than regular combo priest!
OTK Mecha’thun Priest RoS
Oh I get it. Do you think I should make a more healing and stall cards?(healing hymn or priest’s omega card) It would definitely give the deck more survivability. Sry for the misinterpretation
OTK Mecha’thun Priest RoS
Thx I’ll give that a try. The hard thing about removing Circle of healing is that it’s a combo piece, but it should still work
[SoU] Boar OTK Theorycraft
I love it! Gives me hope that combo decks can still be viable despite Blizzard’s nerfs. Can’t wait to try it out!
Plague of Murlocs
Don’t get me wrong, the card is useful in some decks, like token Shaman to get synergies and Control to make small board clears useful in the late game, but I don’t think it will be broken. Not overly useful against zoo and Aggro decks with a big board and Murloc Shaman already floods the board with Murlocs so why swap them for other random Murlocs? Not useless, probably will see play but not overpowered bc it’s kinda situational
Anyone else still not able to get into the solo mode yet on mobile?