ExMayor's Comments
Update: Trump's Season 22 Midrange Hunter
after a point with midrange hunter (between turns 4-7) you go face no matter what and do minimal trades only if it’s really necessary. guess which hero power helps in doing that? (also this deck has a ridiculous amount of two drops so you can play on curve every fuckin’ time so you won’t use the two mana for the board, you don’t need to, you’ll use it for the face.)
Update: Trump's Season 22 Midrange Hunter
I don’t understand why people need to play Sir Finley in that many decks. I get it for anything-non-Totem Shaman, fun Control Hunter decks and more aggro Warriors or Priests maybe but why do you need a Sir Finley in this deck? Hunter’s hero power is good at what it does just because this is a fast midrange deck and needs to put pressure on. Trump knows better than me though so yea but I have experience with the archetype and tried various things (how many of each trap, hunter’s mark, flare, ram wrangler, elekk vs juggler, one ore two unleashes, dreadscale) and never considered finley just because I think this deck is what it is because of the hero power. There was never a time when I said ” If I had the Mage hero power now I would be better off”. And for those who say that it needs card draw so you try to get Gul’dan’s power then no. This is pretty inconsistent. You have to find Finley in the deck and manage to get this hero power so 1/8 chances. If you need card draw (you don’t need you just play too aggressive) go for elekk. You also have mad scientist which is kinda like card draw but better because you know what you draw (most of the time) and play it immediately.
Kolento's Season 21 Midrange Druid
Should I replace Raven Idol with a second Shade of Naxx, a second Darnassus Aspirant or Sylvanas Windrunner?
It’s obvious that this deck is Tier 1 but in which Tier would you put the aggro version of this deck (no Tirion, Boom etc.)? Thanks in advance for the reply! ^^