Evlysium's Comments
Insanely powerful effect. Very comparable to jepetto in that its effect is situationally game-winning, but its biggest weakness is the inconsistency of having to draw this before your other stuff. I don’t think the cards exist to make this powerful yet, but definitely keep an eye on this card as the year goes on; with a little more support, a “big shaman” archetype could definitely see play.
Mana Cyclone
Overrated by quite a lot. People saying this is busted in tempo mage have obviously never played the deck; excepting aluneth shenanigans, tempo mage is just that: a tempo-based deck that focuses on playing powerful cards each turn and overwhelming the opponent early on. Mana cyclone is a combo card, rewarding the player for spamming lots of spells in the same turn; unfortunately, tempo mage doesn’t want to do that (holding spells in your hand is terrible for tempo), and control mage has no interest in running spells cheap enough to make this viable. The card’s effect is objectively powerful, but it doesn’t fit into any existing mage archetype, and I don’t forsee it singlehandedly creating a new one.
Lightforged Blessing
Outside of the hilarious synergy with blackguard in wild, this card is absolute trash. 2 mana + a card for . . . lifesteal? That’s it? I don’t even think such an effect would be playable at 0 mana, even with the twinspell tag; the effect is just awful. 2 mana give a minion a situational keyword is utterly worthless; unless another blackguard (or some other ridiculous lifesteal synergy) is printed, this card will never see play in standard.
Jepetto Joybuzz
An insanely powerful card in theory. The biggest issue right now is that the effect is too inconsistent; it could only be used in a deck containing alternate win conditions in addition to just playing jepetto for 1-mana malygos (or similar). At present I don’t think there are enough of such cards to make such a multi-combo deck viable, but this is definitely a card to keep an eye on in future expansions.
Heistbaron Togwaggle
Even if this doesn’t see play this expansion, a card that can guarantee either wondrous wand or tolin’s goblet (particularly in rogue, which has a number of efficient ways to interact with their deck) is bound to break the game at some point in time. There’s no way this card doesn’t enable a busted combo at some point in the rotation.
Hagatha's Scheme
Yeah, this card is busted pretty much as everyone else has agreed. The thing is, board clears are one of the view high-cost cards that you’d actually be fine with keeping in your mulligan, since you’ll get guaranteed value out of them against aggro decks–and this card is absolutely insane if held from turn 1. Even if you draw into it, it’s better than hellfire after only 3 turns–a few turns later, it’s a 5 mana twisting nether. Control shaman is shaping up to be an extremely competitive deck.
Forbidden Words
This is quite bad. Assassinate/polymorph/hex are all much more efficient cards for dealing with anything worth removing, and while the comparison the sw pain is valid, sw pain is also a bad card that isn’t run in any priest deck anywhere, since using a card to deal with a 3-attack minion is bad against aggro and useless against anything else. This is unplayable in standard and pretty bad in arena; both shadow words are superior.
Flight Master
Don’t really understand the terrible ratings on this one. Though I haven’t played the deck in quite a while, this seems like an auto-include in (now wild) odd rogue. Turn 2 weapon + turn 3 this yields 5-6 worth of stats + a 2-1 weapon on turn 3–which is absolutely insane for a an aggressive tempo deck.
Faceless Rager
Insane arena card. You can reliably play this on-curve as a 3 mana 5-2 or 5-3 (either average or above average stats) and playing it on a later turn can yield a fairly ridiculous 3 mana 5-5 or higher.
Eccentric Scribe
Probably not standard-viable, but in arena this is pretty much just a cheaper violet wurm–a card that is already one of the best big minions to run in any deck.
Dragon Speaker
Dragon paladin is fine–but handbuffing is absolutely terrible. Especially in a deck that wants to make high tempo plays every turn (which is probably what dragon pally would look like were it ever to become viable), a 5 mana 3-5 is completely unplayable no matter how much handbuffing it applies. Disappointing that blizzard couldn’t print a stronger dragon synergy card for paladin, as the dragon archetype for the class could be quite interesting otherwise.
Dr. Boom's Scheme
The only problem with this card is the mana cost. 2 armor per turn (as some others have suggested) would probably be broken; you could reasonably expect to use this as a better branching paths against aggro and an absurd 30-40 armor in control mirrors. The effect here is fine, making the card weak against aggro but still useful in control mirrors (and maybe to out-armor combos); it just has no business costing 4 mana. The comparison to iron hide (a card that never saw play) is quite valid and a bit laughable. Quite honestly, this effect would be perfectly fair for a 1 or even 0 mana card.
Crystal Stag
This is a really strong card–but druid doesn’t have nearly enough healing tools to make its prerequisite achievable. 2/5 for now given that heal druid won’t exist this rotation–but definitely something to keep an eye on if druid gets more healing printed in future expansions.
Crystal Power
Worse holy smite (which was a card that never saw play outside of malygos combos). Healing is useless; druid would still rather just gain armor, and there aren’t nearly enough viable healing tools for heal druid to become a viable archetype.
Convincing Infiltrator
Overrated. 5 mana 2-6 is terrible stats, even with the taunt; combine that with the fact that the deathrattle is weak against large boards, and this proves to be a very ineffective anti-aggro tool.
Burly Shovelfist
Don’t really understand the low ratings on this one. Though not standard-worthy, this card is insane in arena. Charged devilsaur was an above-average arena card–and this is +1 mana for +2/+2 stats.
This is probably an insane anti-aggro card. Though the requirement prevents it from being used in a tempo deck, this is an incredibly powerful neutral taunt for any control deck.