Evident's Comments
Update: LifeCoach's Highlander Reno Jackson Paladin
Reno will still work as long as you draw one of the Muster for Battle. You would most likely be trying mulligan for that card.
Grim Patron Warrior Deck List
Use this list for now: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/ostkakas-blizzcon-2015-midrange-patron-warrior/
Brian Kibler's Reno Jackson Control Mage
That’s true of the remaining portion of the deck. If you draw one of the Mad Scientist, and it’s in your hand or has been played then Reno Jackson will trigger.
Update: Senfglas' Echo Summoning Stone Mage
Nefarian would have synergy with Summoning Stone, so I’d likely try that.
Ostkaka's BlizzCon 2015 Midrange Patron Warrior
I think it would be difficult to play this deck without Grommash. I’m not sure HOW bad it would be, but it will be difficult to finish off your opponent.
LifeCoach's Highlander Reno Jackson Control Warrior
If you use Death’s Bite, or one is in your hand then Reno Jackson will still work. You would likely mulligan for it or draw it by the time you need to play Reno.
Midrange Paladin Deck List Guide - April 2016 (Season 25, Wild)
Quartermaster is dependent on the meta. The card can be rather slow at times and clog up your hand. Coghammer is very strong, so I would try to keep that in the deck.
Control Warrior Deck List Guide - April 2016 (Season 25, Wild)
It depends on what other decks you might want to play. Ysera and Justicar are in most control decks, but Alexstrasza is in Control Warrior and Freeze Mage. Ysera might be the least important of those three in this deck, but I’m not a Control Warrior expert.
Firebat's Season 20 Mech Hunter
Animal Companion or Knife Juggler, any strong low cost minion would work. Mad Scientist is really good though.
Ostkaka's BlizzCon 2015 Midrange Patron Warrior
Ragnaros, although I think it might be kinda bad in this deck. Piloted Sky Golem is another option.
Second Piloted Shredder for Loatheb, and you could throw in a Southsea Deckhand for Thalnos.