Evident's Comments
Tavern Brawl Clockwork Card Dealer Secret Paladin
They are from Goblins vs. Gnomes and in Wild. You might be only viewing Standard cards.
Deathrattle Hunter Deck List Guide - October 2017
It has just gotten more aggressive, it helps punish Warrior and potentially helps against Zoo and Shaman.
Becoming Legend in Hearthstone Guide - Lessons From a First-Time Legend Climb
I didn’t write this article, but I’ll try to answer some of your questions.
1. This is mostly variance. You should always mulligan assuming you are going to play an aggressive opponent unless you know for sure the deck you are playing against is Control.
2. This is also variance, you should generally only tech for popular meta game choices but not switch them based on five games. The decks you play against are random and you can only play the odds.
3. You will generally have to play a lot of games for a single card choice like Harrison to make a difference. There are times when you aren’t going to draw him, but over a long enough span he will help win you games.
4. I disagree with you here, a single deck strategy is generally better. Every deck will have bad matchups, but you again are playing the odds. Midrange Hunter is good against Warrior which makes it a popular deck to take to legend, but it has weaker matchups against Aggro Shaman and Zoo. You are going to generally lose those games, but it doesn’t mean you should switch because you’ll still have a very solid winrate against Warrior.
5. Hearthstone is two years old at this point, a lot of people have gold portraits and have reached legendary at least once. You will also be playing against tougher players in the beginning of seasons. The people who play a lot are grinding their way to legend early in the season so you might want to consider starting your grind mid-way through.
6. A deck tracker isn’t required to reach legend, it’s just a tool that can help you find mistakes or help you remember which cards have been played.
A lot of what you describe seems to be related to luck and variance. If you are constantly focused on the negative things that happen to you while laddering you’ll likely get tilted and start playing badly. You have to remember for as many times as you’ve had bad luck, you’ve likely had good luck. The problem is that the bad luck is what sticks in our minds.
Tavern Brawl Clockwork Card Dealer
Thanks for sharing, you should post it with our Deck Builder and I’ll add it to the post! http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/deck-builder
Sjow's C'Thun Control Warrior (June 2016, Season 27)
If you really like Control decks it might be worth it, but she doesn’t fit in many decks currently.
Dog's Legend #1 Yogg Ramp Druid (July 2016, Season 28)
I’d just go second Mire Keeper.
Deathrattle Hunter Deck List Guide - October 2017
Thanks, you were right I missed a bunch of things when I updated it. It should be fixed now!
MrYagut's Aggro Beast Druid (July 2016, Season 28)
Fandral is pretty slow, this is an aggressive deck.
wiRer's Top 25 Legend Dragon Warrior (June 2016, Season 27)
I wouldn’t replace him, he’s really good even without a lot of activators.
Zetalot's Mukla Control Priest (June 2016, Season 27)
Priest seems pretty bad right now, I’m not sure how to replace Resurrect in this particular list.
Good idea, I’m not a big fan of Dragonlord.