Esthirel's Comments
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide for Standard
I think you are so wrong on the Soggoth the Slitherer card. That card is in a control based deck the minion that is often the absolute matchwinner. The fact that spells dont work on it while 9 damage must be done to it before it goes aside is often a task that your opponent will never be able to fullfill. While other taunts like ancient of war (a 5/10 taunt!) are often blown away by 1 spell that costs half the mana. Even cards like Y’Shaarj with its 10/10 body are more vulnerable than Soggoth. Soggoth is the most decent late game minion in the entire meat in a lot of cases. Soggoth is tier 1 material! I assure you I know this by playing it ever since the first wotog game i played. Most sturdy taunt that keeps you standing while you wreck your opponent in late game. Even Tirion and Dr. Boom are vulnerable to shit like equality or silence. Silence can be done but the body lives on. just the taunt is lost. making a 1/1 sheepy of it can be done with Boom and Tirion but not with the stronger minion that is called Soggoth the Slitherer.
Aviana + 2x innervate on turn ten means brann + Y’Shaarj+ Dark arakoa + Rag. the firelord + C’thun. Then a card is pulled on the board by Y’shaarj and that can be Sylvana’s. Then you hear a growling DIE INSECT and the already crying opponent is made almost dead…He doesnt want to play any card and concedes….
The +3+3 from d arakoa is doubled twice and means +12+12 on then end of the same turn!
Aviana, yes please!