Esmonan's Comments
How To Get Mysteries of the Phoenix Card Back - Barrens Secret "???" Achievement - FULL SOLUTION INSIDE!
Big Up to this awesome community!!! The puzzles are insane even when following step by step. Thank you
Tavern Brawl - Decorating Dalaran!
mill wock (oracle, dancing swords, unda)
New Players Guide: Board Control, Optimizing Trades and Playing on Curve
this is a good idea
Lesser Diamond Spellstone
Finally. I really like these cards. You can build a deck around it. It can work as a new type of quests. Just more secret as the opponent doesn´t know, what you are up to. Not like actual quests, as you have to play them and the opponent can quite easily guess, what cards and gameplay he will be facing.
Just imagine….mulligan this in your hand, play removals, AoEs, healings. Get Velen out. Play Spellstone turn 9 with Mindblast for 80 dmg!!!
I know that 4 spells are a quite big amount, but it can be done. 4xShadow Words, 2xHoly Smite, 2xShadow Vision,2xSpirit Lash,2xDragonfire Potion, 2x Greater Healing Potion, Silence, Mass Silence, Shadow Essence to get Velen earlier. And so on (plus Anduin for Big minions AoE).
Just thoughts.
PS: Not high tier deck for sure. Not even consistent, but original at least
PSS: Currently run “Velen only” deck in Wild and the OTK turn is always surprising for the opponent.
PSSS: Polymorph Velen = Concede!!!
Tavern Brawl - Just A Hallucination
just played Herald Volajz with two minions on board and he summoned the copies under portraits of original minions (?!) and game just got frozen.
Tavern Brawl - Yellow-Brick Brawl
GREAT WALL of CHO (Shaman)
very strong + lot of fun + Dreadsteeds are piece of cake
– Dust Devil (first piece of final combo)
– Rockbitter weapon (second piece of final combo)
– Runic Egg (just for cheap draw)
– Loot Hoarder (just to trade and draw)
– Nerubian Egg (double taunt)
– Ancient Watcher (cheap taunt)
– Eerie Statue (even better cheap taunt)
– Flamewreathed Faceless (powerful charge for removals)
– Lorewalker Cho (trolling enemies = lock or get opponent spells)
and finaly – EARTH SHOCK !!! (counter to Dreadsteed and surprising activator for Eeerie Statue)
Have a lot of fun with this deck. No auto-concede againts Warlock. Many interesting situations (mostly caused by presence of Cho)
PS: Drawing cards are as cheap as possible, because of Overload. Also do not keep Dust Devil in opening hand. You want to keep it for final blow
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
Interaction no. 10 should be updated as well as no.16 (after Patch 6.2.0)
Hearthstone Patch 6.2.0 - Murloc Text Changes, Bug Fixes, and New Daily Quests!
“Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End now properly applies the Overload effect when it casts a spell with Overload.”
Does than mean it can cast X shaman spells and lock your mana pool?
If so, hunter´s Lock and Load should apply as well :/
So no fix for Brann/Queen Azshara freezing game issue?