elzein's Comments
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Don’t forget to always fight for board control. I see a lot of people making this mistake. Clear all enemy minions before going face, or you will most likely fall behind. Also, make sure to look for the right cards on your mulligan. Having Level Up! in you hand from the start can win you many games.
Turn 1 – Righteous Protector
Turn 2 – HP
Turn 3 – Raid Leader (assuming no board clear)
Turn 4 – HP + other minions
Turn 5 – Level Up!
If you manage to pull this out without loosing most of your minions on turns 1-4 the game is most likely won.
Blizzard's Off-Meta Spotlight Decks #9 - Odd Hunter, Murloc Mage, & Rush Warrior
What would it take for Murloc Mage to be an actual meta deck? The concept seems pretty solid to me.
Journey to Un'Goro Quests - A Year Later
I don’t think Blizzard will venture into new quests, at least not whitout a heavy meakup on their mechanichs. Most quest decks were either broken or trash, because you have to build your entire deck around the quest, so the reward must be absolutely insane to justify it (quest rogue). Taunt warrior and exodia mage are/were playable, but a LOT of people complain a LOT against them. And quests that gave you a nice but not broken reward were totally ignored (paladin, shaman). Can Blizzard really create new quests that provide an “ok” reaward and are playable?
Tavern Brawl - Shadow Reflection
Easy & fast win:
1. Choose Priest
2. Add a single card
3. Start Brawl
4. Opponent concedes instantly
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
You’re right, my bad. Still, I doubt Blizzard won’t make new Hero cards for standard mode.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
As you said, 99% of the players won’t devote the time to get to legendary. They also won’t acquire anything close to your super gold collection. Hence, focusing on a few decks each season is the best way to have some fun for those 99% of the HS community. And people need dust for that.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Players that need to dust legendaries for extra mana can hardly afford to wait an entire year with a card like that in their collection, unless they are going all in on warlock only. Unlike many others that can prove useful in the future (e.g. The Glass Knight, Dollmaster, Sonya), Jaraxxus has zero chance of being played over Bloodreaver Guldan, no matter what the next expansions bring. It’s a very safe dust.
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Geist is nice, but I only seem to get value out of it vs Druid. Is zealot really worth it? I would like to try it. I don’t run Twisting Neather, but I did add a copy of Siphon Soul (for removing big late minions) and a Saronite Chaingang (better than sunfury, imo).
Tess Greymane Change to be Reverted (June 8th), HCT Seoul Deck Submission Update
I see your point. But the interaction between sword of justice and explosive runes is a matter of two effects that are triggered “simultaneously”, but that’s impossible in HS, so they happen one after the other and can result in a minion surviving the runes because of the buff received. That should count as a “single interaction”. Tess and Yog’s battlecries on the other hand replay several cards, and their “triggers” happen one after the other, not in a single interaction. I understand this is my opinion on the game’s mechanics thou.
Tess Greymane Change to be Reverted (June 8th), HCT Seoul Deck Submission Update
Tess being a bad card does not mean her effect can subvert HS logic. Also, many poor legendaries became good after a new expansion was released (e.g. King Togwaggle, Grumble, King Krush), so the current value of a card is not a good measure.
Wild Renolock
This deck makes me wish I had the cards to play wild. It’s a real MVP lineup.
The Early Giant Gets The Worm – Even Warlock versus Handlock
I think the nerf to Cube Lock (long awaited and requested by most of the HS community) played a big part on spreading Even Lock. It was the most logical deck to go to. Either way, except for loosing the surprise factor, I fail to see how a deck becoming mainstream is a bad thing for such deck. And its not like Even Lock is tricky combo deck that can be countered easely if your opponent knows what you’re up to, like some off-meta decks. You basically give away your strategy as soon as Genn shows up before the game starts.
Standout Post-Nerf Witchwood Hearthstone Decks for Balance Patch 11.2 - A Week Later
I’ve been playing Hearthstone for quite a while now, and this post-nerf meta is the best experience I’ve had so far. A slower meta allows for lots of creative builds. I see a lot of different decks in the ladder. At least for me, this is Hearthstone’s standard ladder at it’s best.
Tavern Brawl - Gone Fishin'
Lol my opponent gave me the Lich King on first turn and conceded. I spent more time building my deck than actually playing it.
Cognitive Biases in Hearthstone - Gambler's Fallacy (#1)
The only exception is Doomguard discarding Bloodreaver Guldan. That shit always happens. Always.
Most Overrated Cards From The Witchwood Expansion
I got a golden Lady in White on expansion release date and was so excited! It was a shame to see her underperforming like this. I tried playing her with Sipteful Priest, but truth is I rarely got any chance to play her on T6… I had fun making Ysera as strong as Deathwing though
Most Overrated Cards From The Witchwood Expansion
She could cost 3 or 4 mana and have a requirement of being the only 3 or 4 mana card on your deck like Keleseth.
Blizzard Discussing Changes to Naga Sea Witch & Some Popular Standard Cards
I disagree. Voidlord can still be summoned via weapon on control warlock. That also applies to Doomguard. Its just not as easy and overpowered as having the weapon AND Lackey to cheat them out. Nerfing Voidlord is the most uncreative and unreasonable way to balance the game.
I came to HTD after facing this deck 5 times straight. Not surprised to see you guys have already noticed the meta shift. Luckly I was able to beat it consistently with Even Shaman, going for the long game and taking advantage of the Elemental’s battlecries for removal. The version with Doomguard felt stronger though, it’s as if the deck had 3 copies of Leeroy.