Ellionious's Comments
Freeze Mage - Shadows Post-Buff - #9 Legend (Oliech)
Is the basic game plan just to drop a (1) cost Alexstrasza or Malygos, and then Fireball + Frost Bolt to death?
Brian Kibler's Legend Quest Paladin (November 2018)
Fun deck. I dropped one Acolyte of Pain for one Voraxx. Worth it.
SandofStar's #1 Legend Mech Control Paladin
Anyone have some tips for operating this list? It feels a bit slow and clunky.
Upcoming Balance Changes/Nerfs to Bonemare, Corridor Creeper, Patches the Pirate, and Raza the Chained!
I have a gold Raza the Chained. Does that mean I will get a 3,200 dust disenchant?
Updated: DisguisedToast's Kobolds Big Spells Mage ft. Dragon's Fury, Deck of Wonders
How important is Prince Valanar?
It doesn’t say that it is giving the minion a Deathrattle, though. If that were the case, wouldn’t the card text say:
Deathrattle: Give a minion in your hand +4/+2 and Deathrattle: Equip Val’anyr.
Agreed. Too slow for an Aggro or a Midrange Paladin. But, in a Control Paladin? This would be perfect.
Good question. I don’t think it’s clear. This one costs one mana more than Ashbringer. So, maybe it would prioritize the more expensive card?
If the minion gets transformed via a Polymorph or Hex type of spell, does that still count as dying? How about Entomb? If so, this seems super strong. Probably strong either way, but that would put this over the top.
Brian Kibler's Frozen Throne Legend Midrange Handbuff Paladin
What are the Spellbreakers primarily used for?
Bozzzton's KFT Midrange Elemental Handbuff Paladin
Sunkeeper Tarim might also make sense to help take down beefy taunts like The Lich King. He pairs amazingly well with Rallying Blade.
Bozzzton's KFT Midrange Elemental Handbuff Paladin
Chillblade Champion is another pretty nice fit for this deck that satisfies Lifesteal and is better than Bloodworm.
Bozzzton's KFT Midrange Elemental Handbuff Paladin
Does Bolvar make sense in this list? There are only five other Divine Shield cards (2x Corpsetaker, 2x Righteous Protector, 1x Wickerflame).
Jambre's KFT Midrange Bubble Paladin
On Turn 3 or 4, you can Truesilver, play Dread Corsair, pull Patches. Makes for a nice turn.
Jambre's KFT Midrange Bubble Paladin
I haven’t found much use for Dark Conviction yet, though.
Jambre's KFT Midrange Bubble Paladin
Yep, this deck is nasty. I love the addition of the Stormwatcher. I was skeptical but having Windfury on the Corpsetaker is great. And, the Stormwatcher himself is a nice drop. With 8 health, it can often survive a turn and then can deal crazy damage with Blessing of Kings.
Thijs KFT Taunt Prince Deathrattle Druid
How important is Prince Taldaram in this list?
Updated: weghuz's Frozen Throne Ultimate N'Zoth Deathrattle Druid
Replacement for Taldaram? How important is he? I’ve got everything else.
Can someone explain the OTK combo to me?