DustDodo's Comments
Secret Passage
Yes you are giving up whatever tempo you have in your hand, but if you are using this card, you’re aiming to get tempo from your deck which is going to be far better than random cards. At the worst this is a better Evocation. Evocation in Wild (Where Tempo mage actually does exist) is insane, so in the class that loves tempo the most, giving them two Evocations is still absolutely ludacris.
Secret Passage
Blizzard… Why? It’s Solarium that draws two more cards but it doesn’t even have the Discard downside, so you basically can generate a bunch of tempo and then get back whatever value you had in your hand. Note that because this will get rid of your hand at the end of the turn, it can’t be used to generate Value, so I doubt this will see play in current Galakrond Rogue, but in pure Secret or Stealth or a hybrid of both Rogue, this will be incredibly power. 6/5 stars.
Devout Pupil
Pure paladin with librams is really just getting solid cards this expansion. With this and Goody-Two Shields I think it could be a tier one deck. Slamming this card down with other cards will probably be a game winning move. Keep in mind playing this at 5 mana is good and anything lower is really great.
School Spirits
We already have a semi-control Warlock with Quest Warlock, and this is Demonwrath but slightly better. Really good if you have a draw heavy deck that likes healing, and hey that’s exactly what Quest Walrock is about. Will slot perfectly into that deck.
I’ve grown to like this card. I highly doubt Warlock will run this due to their lack of a good demon deck at the moment. Quest Warlock doesn’t want to copy a 6 mana 4/6 Taunt that’s only good when you draw it. It’s simulacrum for 1 mana in DH, which may be good enough on It’s own, but with the buff, I think this is a serious consideration for a meta defining card. I wouldn’t be surprised if this broke the meta, but also if it ended up being trash. If the copying a Demon is better than I think it is, then prepare for more demon hunter hell.
Devolving Missiles
Very solid. If you view devolve as giving a minion on average -1/-1 and pseudo silencing them, then this is a far better arcane missiles to begin with. Not nearly as good as devolve, but yeah this will probably see play in Totem Shaman and possibly Highlander mage. A very high 4 Stars.
Boneweb Egg
Standard this is useless, but in Wild Discard Warlock… i only can pray for wild.
Sphere of Sapience
Seems a bit overrated. The only decks that would run this are control and combo. Aggro isn’t sacrificing a card slot for a terrible weapon to get slightly better draws and they have to sacrifice 1 mana. Control might run this, but this is just too slow for the meta we are in right now. I think some Control decks will play it, but the majority won’t. 3 stars.
Goody Two-Shields
Will slot right into Libram Paladin. So 4 stars, it’s not going to push that deck to a ridiculously good spot in the meta, but it’s definitely got some synergy with cheap Librams.
People are saying this will be overpowered, but like what deck does this fit in? If there is a Deathrattle deck that comes around, then this will undoubtedly see play, but there is no deck with that gameplan, and we haven’t seen any cards printed that would support that gameplan, so yeah I think this will see experimentation, but this will probably be cut pretty soon.
I really dislike this card. First off it won’t see play because it’s competing with Skull of Guldan, which no way in hell Demon Hunters are cutting. And then when this does see play, it just shuts out all control decks. Not a fun card and isn’t healthy for the game.
Earth Shock does this but so much better. You’re paying 3 mana for a card that does 1 more damage than a 1 mana card. Demon Hunter will not cut a slot for this card.
The Fist of Ra-Den
Yes, but in terms of the deck itself, it’s not on anyone’s tier lists. It’s not even tier 4 right now. Even Galakrond Shaman itself is now just tier 3. Yes you probably have had success with your deck, but the stats just don’t support this.
Galakrond's Awakening Week 2 Preview - Clash at Wyrmrest - New Cards, Decks / Strategies, Bosses
I know it’s been said before, but Token Druid is tier 2 or 1 depending on who you ask. This card is just Firefly but a worse statted minion but the flexibility of drawing a card. Never underestimate the power of Firefly. Yes, this is worse but still token druid loves its tokens. It also is fantastic with Keeper Stalladris and like you said Quest Druid. I seriously think you underrated this card. It probably just slots into Tier 1/2 Token Druid, so that makes it five stars already.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
I think what Blizzard is doing from now on is printing Whizbang like card, like Zayle, Shadow Cloak.
Fiendish Servant
Why is the rating so low? Turn 4 Magic Carpet into this, deal three damage and get a 4/6. It just seems so crazy. Really terrifying for Zoo.
Aeon Reaver
If only dragon priest was a good deck. With all the aggro decks running around, res priest will continue to be the top dog priest control deck, so yeah card won’t see any play. But that doesn’t mean it’s weak. Flik Skyshiv was one of the best cards printed, ever. So being a bit worse than one of the best HS cards ever means it’s a good card in theory. We just need a few more cards for this whole dragon priest thing to work again.
Fresh Scent
This card is way better than people think. It’s like the old Extra Arms. Yes it does have the beast downside, but in what world (other than spell hunter) does hunter not run beasts. And the Zuljin’ value. Easy 5 stars.
Cleric of Scales
That doesn’t have a deck. It doesn’t fit in res priest, combo priest doesn’t run any dragons, and there aren’t enough dragons for a dragon priest deck to form. It’s a good card, but no place for it right now.
Paladin seems to be getting a lot of Cards to support Pure/Libram Paladin this expansion. You’ll at least seriously consider adding this card to your deck if not just for the Libram of Justice. That discount with this cards gets you like an insane amount of stats on a two mana minions plus removing your opponents card. I still don’t think Libram paladin will be tier 1, but with the amount of good cards they’re receiving, I think it’ll be tier 2, so 4 stars.