dudeman805's Comments
Plagued C'thun
thanks for the comments, I enjoy Blade of c’thun and it does buff the crap out of c’thun
Buff My Jelly Roll (Buff Padalin)
Look at the cards that do things at end of turn such as:
Young Priestness
Friendly bartender
Master Swordsmith
Shriking shroom
Twilight Elder
Baron Geddon
Rage Unbound
Buff My Jelly Roll (Buff Padalin)
Thanks man…sometimes people forget just to have fun while playing…..really glad you enjoyed it check out my other decks as well just made a c’thun rogue here is the link http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/plague-of-cthun-tempo/
Blackguard Control Ft Benevolent Djinn
I will try out elise and appreciate the input
Cubed Devilsar (Deathrattle)
Thanks for your comments and input but like the deck the way it is,,,,N’zoth is not necessary you can get in there and finish the opponent way before N’zoth
~LK The Summoner~ (Spitefule-Summoner)
Made this deck with my friend Laura, hence, the ( L ), and (K) is myself, Kevin. Thanks again for your help Laura!
Dudeman Secret Tempo
Its a deck that is all face….your suppose to just use spells towards the actual hero
Kobold's Handlock Ft Skull of Man'ari
Hoarding Dragon is not trash is like a yeti on steroids and also you can do a 8 mana for a combo that same turn using shadow of flame
Kobold's Handlock Ft Skull of the Man'ari
Glad to see some positive feedback and have lots of fun playing this deck
Toad's Insane N'zoth Warrior 82% Winrate Season 43
Great deck btw and thanks! =) Means more then you know!!!
KFT Deathknight Jade Rogue (October 2017)
Great deck btw and thanks! =) Means more then you know!!!
KFT Elemental Mage (October 2017)
Great deck btw and thanks! =) Means more then you know!!!
you know what i have not tried that and for some stupid reason i didn’t think about it when playing and using this deck i will try it out, have you tried it? If so and it worked well message me your version and i will do the same once i figure out what works best with it…..Thanks for replying.
Ben Brode, thank you for all of your time, effort, and hard work that you put into hearthstone. It is sad to see you go, however i am glad you are doing what you want to do and are passionate about doing…..Good Luck my friend & God Bless…..-Kevin aka Dudeman805