I came on this thread to look for help after struggling through every battle only to lose like 15 times against ETC.. I didn’t realize that the one deck I chose (priest) was the worst.
Eventually I beat him by drawing 2 mana geodes and spawning as many 2/2 minions as I could so etc would waste mana on his hero power. I copied and buffed mana geode with the +1/+2 finale card. Eventually I was able to spawn 2 hearththrobbers to keep the board flooded and won that way. I think keeping as many minions alive and on the board is the best bet as priest.
I came on this thread to look for help after struggling through every battle only to lose like 15 times against ETC.. I didn’t realize that the one deck I chose (priest) was the worst.
Eventually I beat him by drawing 2 mana geodes and spawning as many 2/2 minions as I could so etc would waste mana on his hero power. I copied and buffed mana geode with the +1/+2 finale card. Eventually I was able to spawn 2 hearththrobbers to keep the board flooded and won that way. I think keeping as many minions alive and on the board is the best bet as priest.