Drmengueche's Comments
Master's Call
You can actually choose the cards you put in your deck, I have no idea what line of thinking led you to that conclusion but read the card text and check again see if it makes sense
Hex Lord Malacrass
What if you keep this in the mulligan alongside some burn or other key cards? Would you get infinite value in a control mage deck?
Sharkfin Fan
That thing can get out of hand in the right context. Might be the broken neutral minion for this expansion
Hir'eek, the Bat
A late game super heavy push card for zoo. Already has synergy with the bat spirit thing that allows you to get a return from trading your board. Most definetley will see play
Odd Warrior - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #22 Legend (oyatsu)
I also replaced second mct for zola, gives me more flexibilty.. also tinkmaster is a bit more risky but fun and sometimes clutch tech
Odd Warrior - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #22 Legend (oyatsu)
How do you manage to steal rexxar? i mean if they have it before 6 they always play it on curve right before azalina on 7, and if they topdeck it they play it right away. Is there any way you can make the read they have rexxar in hand and didn’t play it to go maybe for a cube turn or something else?
Shudderwock Shaman - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #10 Legend (XHope)
The combo pieces are exactly the same, he just cut 2 mctechs 1 ooze 1 earthshock for the 2 corpstaker + zilliax + al’akir package. It’s just a bit slower but it destroys aggro and has a lot more board presence, A bit better vs board centered decks, still free win vs control, a bit worse vs combo decks, since your’s got slower
Mech Egg Paladin - #1 Legend (China Server)
wild pyro, hydrologist, consecration, truesilver, maybe steed if you know the oppossing deck doesn’t run silence, maybe zilliax if you have earlier plays
Sipiwi's #9 Legend Combo Shudderwock Shaman (Boomsday)
Why would you play Elise??? It’s a combo deck, you put your combo together an straight up win, why on earth would you replace a card like electra that synergies with every spell in your deck, for a card like Elise that put you 1 draw away from completing your combo? You just give your opponent an extra turn to kill you or steal your deck. The point of combo decks is to kill them as soon as all the pieces are together, no matter how much value they can get throuought the game
Plus, the main problem vs control is handsize, a lot of times you’re looking to get rid of cards in your hand just you don’t overdrawn or kill the minions you are trying to bounce, the pack just crowds your hand, if you were to have a shudderwock with all the effects you just be risking not bouncing it and throwing the game because you filled your hand with crap.
And you don’t need to tempo the acolyte in control matchups where your opponent canremove or silence, they won’t ever make a huge board, just keep the acolyte until you can play it with volcano, simple as that
Just play the list as it is. The guy is top 10legend, he knows what he is doing. Try and understand how it works and learn the fundamentals
#1 Legend Control Odd Warrior (Machamp)
Just throw in the quest and you have a better win condition against control decks
Legend Boomsday Deathrattle Rogue - #64 (Hokage)
Will do. Thx so much for your answer
Legend Boomsday Deathrattle Rogue - #64 (Hokage)
What do you guys think about the leeroy + cold blood package? I find it awkward at times because the deck is not trying to rush down the opponent’s life total but trying to build a midrange solid board state with your deathrattles
Is there any world in which you would cut cold bloods for preps and leeroy for maybe another slayer, just to support the deathrattle/ board control engine?
Legend Boomsday Deathrattle Rogue - #64 (Hokage)
Sonya is a really cool addition to the deck. It’s no replacement for umbra but it can win you games as well if left unchecked
Big Cube Druid - #69 Legend (Casie)
Tyrantus is your win condition against other druids, when it hits the boars there’s nothing they can do about it. Plus if you discount it with florist you could copy it the same turn with faceless or even cube it. It can get rly nasty rly fast. It can be replaced by any other big minion but it won’t be as effective
Boomsday Odd Mech Control Warrior - #101 Legend (HelixFossil)
Nope. Vs mech’thun decks you have 0%wr. Your overal wr in ladder will depend on how much mech’thun decks you face opposed to every other match-up which you’re favored to win
Kranich's #12 Legend Combo Mage - Boomsday Project
You can beat shudderwock if you get a good pocket galaxy, Discount both dragons and 1 sorcerer apprentice + 2 fireballs is a 1 turn kill
Thijs' Boomsday Bomb Hunter ft. Whirliglider
Try to keep rexxar and don’t just throw everything on the board. Force out removals and aoe’s and keep the pressure with hero power
Fibonacci's Boomsday Control Warrior ft. Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
azalina copies the hand, it doesn’t switch
Fibonacci's Boomsday Control Warrior ft. Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Why azalina with deadman’s hand? How do they interact?
It’s 5/5 man. The thing that has kept hunter from being absolutely broken is the lack of card draw
This is targeted draw which is even better. You can play only a handful of big beasts and tutor them on curve, you can play this walong beast master and draw 3 beasts and buff +2+2
You can diré Frenzy a beast and draw all 3 buffed copies if you build your deck properly
Don’t underestimate draw specially in a class that made tier one without it. Specially if you can build your deck around it and get full value from the card…
5/5 is out of the question