Drhotloving's Comments
Quest Warrior Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I absolutely can! just follow me at twitch.tv/drhotloving and ill be your teacher FOREVER
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
personally i would get rid of both fireflys and add 1 more bat and dred
Jade Elemental Shaman Deck List Guide - Un'Goro (August 2017, Standard) - Season 41
really just experience with the meta, usually 1-2 archetypes shine for a specific class so you gotta make an educated guess as to what your opponent is probably playing.
Admirable's Waygate Giants Mage (April 2017, Season 37)
deck is not viable; quest takes too long to complete; and you need to be luck enough to hit both giants and alex in the time it takes to complete without dying to all of the aggro decks out there. If you forgot what it feels like to get your caca slammed in by a pirate warrior or midrange hunter, i would recommend this deck perfect 10/10 for getting stomped.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Moroes and Yogg are definetly playable in the current meta, hopefully this is covered in an updated version of this article.
Quest Warrior Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Currently pushing top 300 legend with this exact deck list. It is extremely solid value based deck with an extremely powerful win condition and amazing clear. Despite what people are saying in here it is extremely good against aggro decks (pirate warr, midrange hunter, murloc pally) and is extremely consistent and dependable with high late game power. Once you get your opponent down to single threats, which is extremely easy to do with this list, your quest hero power will win you the game.
It has also done well against both rogue archetypes (miracle and quest). Although if quest rogues get a god hand and can get caverns out early which happens sometimes, it can be hard to keep up with (this is true with any deck). Generally, against quest rogue, using this decks immense amount of clear potential is usually enough to keep quest rogue down. Once you get them down to one or two creatures, it is very easy to catch back up with your new hero power. And primordial drake + fishes is generally an instant win against quest rogue.
I’ve had the hardest time against freeze mage with this deck, simply because you are not able to put enough pressure early since your minions don’t do much damage – you have to resort to more crafty ways of winning a decent amount of the time (save your dirty rats for their doomsayers) and armor up as much as possible.
I was on the fence about Ornery Direhorn since it is a 6 drop, but its mana cost has rarely been an issue, and the card also acts as a secondary win condition with the option of windfury on adapt, and often turns what would normally be a 3-4 turn lethal into a 1-2 turn lethal type situation.
On the surface the deck looks like it is very easy to play, but in fact you really need to know its limits, use your health effectively as a resource, and how to use your clears effectively in every match-up. If you are just starting to use this list i would recommend playing it for an extended period of time.
On one of my recent streams I go over the deck list in more detail and talk about the approach towards different match ups.
If you are interested, you can find this content at twitch.tv/lauretano. I do not have a set stream schedule since i work full time, but i try to put informative content up there as much as possible.
Currently played this deck from rank 10-5 and only lost three times in current meta. Only change to the list is a tech of sudden genesis instead of black knight. Could also tech in gheist if you are running into alot of jade druid.