drbedspread's Comments
Elwynn Boar
The only weakness with druid is getting the extra copies in hand in case weapon destruction happens. Hunter gets way more extra copies via breeder and frenzy. I was actually contemplating running a beast copying deck that uses the same concept as the Krush OTK, but uses Rat King as well. Also note that Hunter also has Jewel as well, so this could summon a bunch of these boars or several Rat Kings which would still be devastating to face down a board of 5/5s that never go away.
Oracle of Elune
Doesn’t even need to be in one turn. Honestly I was debating this deck myself as a meme but quickly realized it may be very possible…
Copying the boars via germinate, menagerie warden, and if you can give it taunt: Mark of the Spikeshell and plaguemaw (especially so if you run brooms).
The reason I point out copying them while on board is because holding back a copy in hand allows you to deal with weapon removal.
Oracle of Elune
I mean we’re talking a 4 mana play, which would require either a whole bunch of lightning blooms (a problem in of itself) or be a turn 4 play that puts a 2/4 and 2 1/1s (weak turn) or turn 5 2/4 and 4 1/1s which is ok at best. Honestly if you don’t have a way of dealing with 4 1/1s by turn 5 you’re going to lose anyways.
Shadow of Death
Honestly this onto Zilliax might give rogue what it needs to go longer games.
Tomb Warden
Lul chain gang wasn’t OP for the reason you stated. Chain gang was nerfed for one sole reason, and that’s shudderwock. Had shudderwock not existed in standard with it, chain gang would’ve never been nerfed. Chain gang was not OP in even the slightest way, it was simply played by a ton of decks because it was one of the few 4 drops available that did well in both control and aggro matchups. Only a small number of classes played this because all their 4 drops sucked.
Tomb Warden
Yeah it gets the buffs. Saronite chain gang used to summon a buffed copy, but it’s wording was changed to summon a copy of chain gang because of shudderwock.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
I want to also add that potentially with shriek and reckless diretroll you can discard lackeys, then get more with soulwarden. You could also easy pull off the dream of discarding soul warden and two lackeys via expired merchant, to thus proceed and make soul warden generate infinite value of 4/4s with good effects. I can’t see these requirements being overly difficult to achieve in a control warlock deck.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Well that’s assuming that a lackey focused deck isn’t possible… Which may be far from true, between EVIL genius and cable rat, they give 2 and 1 respectively so potentially 6. In all likelihood there’s going to be more cards released with lackeys for each of the EVIL characters, mostly because they already stated there will be one more lackey in this set; so it’s easy to assume there will be more lackey generation.
Tip the Scales
That’s assuming you draw lens, then on top of all that don’t hit the 1/3 chance of drawing the other lens, because if you do you’ve effectively done nothing on turn four and will probably nothing on turn 5. I’m also sure that it would require you to run either an enormous amount of minions, which means very little draw engine. So the likelihood of drawing into lens is extremely low, and without that this card is mostly dead; mostly since a board full of minions with 3 or less minions after turn 7 does very little. You can’t even use this with Coldlight on the same turn which makes it extra bad. So all those downsides to have this work maybe 10% of games, and mostly losing to other decks as soon as they drop any early game AOE.
Anka, the Buried
Well usually a miracle deck just seeks out cards by drawing rapidly to hit a massive combo that’s usually game ending. It used to be leeroy + cold blood, or some kind of nasty Edwin combo. You could hypothetically play this along with the mecha’thun combo and the Whelp + Necrium combo. So basically you could run Mecha’thun on it’s own as a last resort against control decks like Warrior, and it should only be one dead card; which against control isn’t much of a problem. Against mid-range decks you would probably want to draw a ton until you hit the big necrium combo, similar to what mage does now; just mage gets taunts which makes it OP. I mean even one blade and vial going off is 23/23 power on the board for as little as 6 mana. With a prep you could potentially do 30 power for 9 mana, which outside of control decks is fairly hard to answer. The only problem is if rogue can survive until turn 9+ on average and whether it can consistently survive until the late game.
Splitting Axe
Yes and no, freeze shaman was a mechanic that wasn’t tested until that point and was shown later to be a failure. The meta has seen the horrors of totem shaman in the past, in fact it was a T1 deck at one point.
Splitting Axe
That’s assuming there’s no totem buffs printed. Just because one card might be slightly better in certain decks doesn’t make it bad. I have yet to ever see any of those three cards played in shaman competitively. Given enough support this card could be super nasty, especially if the following turn is followed up with say double bloodlust; and the average player clearly underestimates what can be done with totems. We’ve seen totem decks in the past that was a t1 deck, so the mechanics are clearly capable of working.
Desert Obelisk
Problem is here the shear setup for a combo of that level… Firstly being you need to draw a single copy of Myra’s, which isn’t super high odds. Secondly you have to play shark and heistbaron which requires a two turn setup because you need a lackey down, or have a way of discounting one of the three cards or having a coin; thus requiring even more setup. Thirdly you need to have a scheme in hand for 7+ turns, which means 70%+ of the game against any non-control deck, and that’s assuming you drew it by turn 3. This deck would literally only be able to beat two decks, control shaman and control warrior; and that’s assuming they don’t catch onto what you’re doing and just start going face. Rogue has next to no board clears, and nearly no healing outside of say spectral cutlass, which requires you to pull cards from other classes on top of attempting to set up this Rube Goldberg machine of a combo.
Plague of Death
They do the same thing… AOE is AOE regardless of it’s source. Kinda funny you named a 4 cost, 5 cost, and 7 cost spell, when only one of them can be used before say mass hysteria. I mean you brought up early game AOE then went on to name mid to late game AOE. The fact is that I’ve played a lot of Noami Priest, and can say with the upmost certainty that pyromancer alone wins games against token druid, zoo, and murloc shaman.
Expired Merchant
comparing this card to loot hoarder is laughable. Firstly being that loot hoarder doesn’t get to choose what card it draws, and secondly getting two copies of a particularly powerful card in a certain matchup seems strong. Oh you need an extra owl? Well you got it. Playing against token? Well here’s a second carpet. Need extra burst? Well here’s a leeroy. Saying this card only draws a card is way understating it’s upper power level, especially in the hands of a player who knows precisely what card currently in their hand will impact the game the most.
Anka, the Buried
Not entirely sure if you would need to in a miracle deck, especially one that can run the mech whelp package, then simply run the mecha’thun combo for control warrior. I mean being able to use 6+ cards to activate thun that are typically used in rogue anyways seem pretty good.
Splitting Axe
Sad to see everyone ignoring the past and going “totems don’t do anything”, until they see the deck running bloodlust or potentially totem buffs in this set. Usually when you see a card around a particular mechanic you’ll see at least several more within the same set.
Splitting Axe
Yeah totems don’t do anything, says the guy right before getting his face punched by a bloodlust.
Say hello to your first free legendary of the set