dpskane's Comments
Hearthstone Alterac Valley Secret "???" Achievement Guide - How To Get Shimmering Snowflake Card Back - Full Puzzles Solution
I started it and I agree, it’s the most fun (one could even dare to explore by oneself) so far.
Only problem I have: I am trying to do it on my phone and I cannot make my movement action stop clicking on the hero portrait will just open the emote menu…
I did stop somehow in the past, but atm i don’t know. Will have to close HS and restart, I fear…
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
she could maybe be mentioned as a good craft, maybe. I haven’t seen much control shaman. That might have changed now with the HCT, but even though hunterace made an excellent job with control shaman, it might not be a strong ladder deck, even for skilled people (because ladder competition).
in that sense i find it the correct choice of stonekeep to currently not include Hagatha Swamp Queen. The card is too uncertain yet (it’s a very good value card for sure, but control shaman needs to become a solid tier 2 deck to merit a craft advice). Note that this is basically a preliminary crafting guide right now: the meta has not settled at all, so stonekeep tries to only advice crafts that *already* look pretty good (like elysiana & boom). this list of best & good crafts is likely to be extended once the meta is better understood
luckily I found the right reddit comment.
So anyone trying to do this on the phone/mobile:
to stop moving, select one of the 4 directions (preferably a direction that’s a dead end, like a wall or a tree), then drag/slide to the hero portrait.
If you can’t decide which of the other dungeons to do:
Some seem to be easier/nicer than others. Avoid middle left, upper left and middle right, they tend to be more tedious (trees blocking the path) or confusing (x-crosses, trees instead of walls….). I would rank them #6, #7 and #8.
Upper right is nice, but getting the dynamite right on spot is … a bit risky. I would not do it as the first dungeon. #5 for risk, otherwise it would probably make #2.
Very nice for both finding the entrance and getting through are the upper middle (#2) and the lower right (#1). Unless you came from one of these I would recommend those.
Lower left has a nice entrance and is generally nice, too – but there’s plenty of walking to be done, as the entrance is far. Still, this is #3.
Lower middle is my #4.