doublingcube's Comments
Midrange C'thun Zoo (Season 27)
Including Flame imp 😉
Good idea though, keep us in the loop.
Midrange C'thun Zoo (Season 27)
-1 ritual
-1 defender
+1 flame imp
+1 soulfire
Casual 4/4
Ranked 1/1 at 15.
Early, but love it. Will have to test against control/tempo since I have only faced one midrange hunter (it is tempo, boys&girls…) who draw quite poorly.
I’ve been trying to make even hunter work for a while now and still believe that Corpsetaker is a must. However, it and the other cards that are required for it to work take up a lot of slots. One or two Sunwalkers and the Litch King are my usual extra cards.
Still, this deck lacks draw, it is the biggest weakness – I was not able to overcome card disadvantage in the past.