DJGlassZ's Comments
Gloom Stag
4/5 stars if the Druid odd-cost deck actually works (P.S without UI).
If not, 2/5 stars 🙂
Kobold Hermit
this is basically a silver hand recruit for shaman…
Constructed: 1/5
Arena: 1/5
Primal Talismans
perfect card for a meme totem shaman deck lul… cant see it being played in evolve shaman and other shaman rares are much better like maelstrom portal
Constructed: 1/5
Arena: 1/5
Windshear Stormcaller
Its a pretty ok card… not fantastic but not horrible… its not great in constructed but arena wise… great vanilla 5 mana 5/5…
Constructed: 2/5
Arena: 4/5
Fal'dorei Strider
Why are you calling other people children when you’re clearly someone that can’t even spell decently or phrase their sentences correctly? Are you triggered or high, calling other people your son?
1. Ranked games huh? Have you ever seen Miracle Rogue in the meta? I haven’t, its like a combo deck that gets run over by aggro & midrange/tempo. Most players are playing this game casually and thus, they are playing this for fun.
2. Then why are you getting mad? You said, everyone is free to post their views. We are just replying to your post about our views, if you wanna make a fuss out of it, don’t post your views then.
3. No idea what nonsense you are spouting… Just because its value is great does not mean it is viable. That’s why streamers wait for all the card reveals before giving their views about it.
4. Yeah, this card is playable. However, don’t get cocky just because 400 players give votes. There are 70 million players in Hearthstone, go check their official website. That 4.8 rating is just a estimation of how the card will perform.
5. He is not mad at you… you are the one getting triggered… he is just saying if you want to share your views, at least put some correct English and proper sentence structure.
Note: I think you are a kid as you can’t spell certain words correctly… descent or decent… sin or in… consides or concedes…? Please before insulting others, look at yourself. If you’re no better, its best to keep your opinions to yourself.
Marin the Fox
I did not say it was a bad legendary… if you read what I was replying to, the user said that blizzard is basically creating bad legendaries. Then I replied to him based on his perspective. I used Aya Blackpaw as an example… if you want I can give you more… Reno Jackson, no card in the game has an effect like him… Brann Bronzebeard, no card in the game also has an effect like him… I’m just using Aya Blackpaw as an example as its pretty easy to understand as there are only a handful number of cards that create Jade Golems… and like I said, the meta is pretty much aggro/midrange (murloc pally, tempo rogue, highlander priest), sure Lich King is good but in the meta today, it does not fit in most decks.
Hope that clears whatever thoughts you have… I can’t reply on your post so I will reply on mine :p
Marin the Fox
Yup, and uh you are talking about Elise Trailblazer? As Elise Starseeker is a 4 mana and is a 3/5 body.
Marin the Fox
Okay, so by going with what you said in the first paragraph, all legendaries ( The Lich King ) is not good. They are called Legendaries for a reason. Legendaries are one of a kind cards that has a much better effect in general. Lets say Aya Blackpaw, no card in the game has the ability to create 2 Jade Golems with one card. ( correct me if i’m wrong) thus its considered a legendary as it has a much greater effect than most other Jade creating cards.
True Marin The Fox is a 8 mana 6/6. The thing is, why would you play it if you are losing? If you actually play Hearthstone, you would know that players would only play this card if they have the damage to destroy it. From your perspective, aggro and midrange can rush you down? This card is never going to be in a aggro or midrange deck as he is too expensive. But a control deck, one with board clears and hard removals, he could be a option.
His treasure cards are also unique, tell me why Elise The Starseeker is played in control decks? As she can change your deck to Legendaries, this Golden Kobold is a mini version of Elise. Changing your hand into legendaries might not affect the battlefield but his a Taunt on his own. Tolin’s Goblet a pretty iffy card, so no point in discussing its use in game ( anyone wanna tell me how this card is useful ) ? Wondrous Wand is also a great card on its own, there’s a reason why Emperor Thaurissan is played… cost reduction is impactful as you can make tempo plays with it. Zarog’s Crown is pretty much a cheaper and better Free From Amber.
The thing why he would maybe not see play as the meta is pretty much all aggro, so no one would put him into their deck. And The Lich King is not played in all as like i said the meta is aggro now and people play tech cards like The Black Knight and Big Game Hunter.
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Thanks! Loving this site alot! 🙂
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
Are the reevaluation complete yet? Just asking as the last comment dated back to September.
5/5 if the Mage odd-cost deck works.
If not, 3/5.