Dirgander's Comments
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
I would say not. A big inspiration for the deck was the fact that I pulled her in one of my packs, and wanted to make use of her. If you are interested in the deck still, you can absolutely still do it! Perhaps just sub her for either another Divine Favor or a Sunkeeper Tarim.
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
I getcha haha, just takes time and practice! Another good way to learn how to pilot is actually to play the other decks that youre facing against too! If you have it, maybe try playing Odd Paladin just to learn what works and what hurts, then use that info when you play this deck! If you don’t have it, then maybe try watching other streamers and pros play the deck; most of the time they are also talking you through the game and mentioning their reasoning and thought process behind why they do or don’t like certain matchups!
Also Odd Paladin is just bonkers haha. Best of luck!
Crystalsmith Kangor
I recently put up a Midrange Heal Paladin list that has been doing OK. I agree on the taking damage part, that has been my biggest issue so far. Paladin has a decent number of tools to make the deck work as is, but yeah a bit more support would be nice and this is a step in the right direction I suppose!
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
Huh. Against Odd Paladin, I have found that waiting and being greedy with your Equality/Consecrate and waiting until they invest a lot of resources can help with big tempo swings and close out the game. Otherwise, putting them in a position where they have to make the trades and going face more has also done well for me.
Against Taunt Druid, be as aggressive as possible; turn 1 Light Warden can snowball pretty easily just because they lack AoE, especially if you get it behind a taunt or something. Make good use of your weapons to take down their Ironwood Golems if you can, maybe even add more weapons to the deck just for that. If you can get them before turn 8 you’re likely in good shape. Also good to note that you don’t have to be afraid of going wide against Taunt Druid because they won’t be running Spreading Plague.
Against Shudderwock Shaman… yeah their AoEs are really annoying. Keep midsized boards and hope that they either try to save their AoE or don’t use them because they are being greedy. Equality/Consecrate also can be really well utilized when they use their Saronite Chain Gangs. Anything else in that deck you probably don’t really care about hitting with it except for maybe Primordial Drake if they run that.
Hope that helps. I know it’s kind of generic, but some things to maybe keep in mind.
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
Still figuring out the deck myself to be honest. A key is finding when to be greedy and when not to be, particularly with your Light Wardens. I’ve found that if you’re playing against Control Mage or Control Warlock, a lot of the time you’re screwed. In Tempo/Midrange matchups, taking damage in the early turns is actually essential. Against Aggro, you don’t really have to worry about taking damage because you will at some point and with your healing and taunts you should be able to fend them off until you get to the point where you just exhaust them. Any specific matchups you wanted tips on?
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
Because I don’t have him lol. But I have been debating whether I want to craft him or not. He always does well when I get him off of Stonehill Defender, so I think he’s a really good include. Also have been playing with Lich King, but he may be a tad too slow. If you have Tarim, I say definitely sub him in for something, maybe a Pearl Spellstone or a Stonehill Defender!
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
It’s been doing alright, its fun to play but I am very greedy and so I am still learning to pilot my own deck lol. I can beat Aggro Paladin pretty decently, Odd Rogue is a breeze, seem to be able to beat Taunt Druid fairly often, but get destroyed by Big Spell Mage and Shaman decks. Haven’t seen much of Priest or Warrior. Oh, and also have been able to beat Recruit Hunter! Zoo Warlock is split based on the draw and can really be determined by the first few turns and whether you can take damage early enough. Favorite game so far was against Zoolock though lol, and they left my Lightwarden up while healing themselves so I just dealt the damage back right away.
But anyway, I think the deck does well. It works much better as a tempo-ish deck than control just because other control decks have much better value generators than Paladin does at the moment. If you decide to give it a shot, let me know how it goes and if you find anything that works better for you!
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
It certainly isn’t meta, but yeah please let me know how it goes and let me know if you find any cards that really help the deck out! Right now I have just been getting completely obliterated by Big Spell Mage and am not sure how to help in that match up!
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
I tried the Lightbringer. It just didn’t seem to do the trick in the matchups I had, probably would’ve been great if I had more aggro matchups. It also just felt REALLY bad to draw on any turn besides the first 3. Henchclan Thug I thought about… I think you could shift to a more weapon-heavy deck and add it, but at the moment I don’t know that it really has enough support. Even still, it would be a 3 mana 4/4 on many turns. Could be worth a try!
Midrange Heal Paladin - Standard [TWW]
The awkward thing about Blackguard is that it comes so late in Aggro matchups that it can often be too late to help control the board with, and in a control matchup it’s not really going to do enough to help you out because you don’t heal that much. The deck’s biggest weakpoint right now is actually taking damage in the first few turns, so you can’t take advantage of the heals. But those are just thoughts off the top of my head, I hadn’t given it too much thought nor have I tried it. Might be worth a shot! If it were going to be in any deck, I think it would be this one or a more control oriented version of it!
Stargazer Luna
Wouldn’t work, because you draw a card after generating the spell. If you got another primordial glyph, it wouldn’t be your right most Card anymore.
The Hearthstone Single-Player experience: What do we really want?
I don’t know why, but I agree with you; for some reason, Dungeon Run just got repetitive and I think it was a lack of storytelling. Monster Hunt, however, had far better storytelling and I think that the unique character classes certainly added an extra element to an already new idea. In addition, adding a final boss that was a unique experience where you got to play all heroes was also really fun and rewarding.
I think what we want is story telling, progression, and new ways to play other than the core 9 classes. The addition of the Houndmaster (Hunter/Druid), Cannoneer (Position Warrior), Time-Tinker (RNG Rewind Mage) and Tracker (Hunter/Rogue) were very well done in my opinion.
TLDR; Final Boss was awesome, New classes were awesome, maybe new content with playtest Death Knight, Monk and Demon Hunter classes? (Without actually adding them to the core game).
The Witchwood Release Date (April 12th) & Final Card Reveal Livestream (April 9th)
I think I remember in the past its been released at about noon PT
Bellringer Sentry
It’s too bad we won’t be able to see Secret Paladin, Hunter and Mage exist all at the same time. But excited to see Secret Pal return! At least to experiment with!
Dire Frenzy
Hitting this on the Queen is an interesting combo haha, end up shiffling 60 guys into your deck!
Tutor for Overload Shaman too. Deck is already fun to play, this just makes it better.