DieRasenwalz's Comments
Steel Rager
Good Arena card. Some of the magnetic dudes have high hp and low attack too but outside of that I doubt its versatility as minion+removal since there are too many small minions and too many pings played in current lists.
However I do love the flavour.
Rocket Boots
Remember Potion of Heroism? This is similar in way that is helpa you gain or maintain board control + it cycles itself which is always great. The difference of course is that with this you get to attack immediately for the cost of the minion receiving damage. Damaging your minions however is a thing warriors exclusively can use to their advantage.
I see a lot of potential in this card, I love it.
Omega Mind
I AM… THE DARKEST… NIGHT. A little more conditional but with Hallazeal you would usually get off only one spell since it wasn’t gard to remove. Plus you can actually combine volcano with this or even the new shaman legendary.
The Soularium
I believe you have not quite understood my point. I am sure that the powerlevel of this card is gigantic. I think the soularium is a great card for zoolock. However design wise it is painfully toxic. Same as Aluneth. Ridiculously powerful, neither fun to play with (well, aluneth a little i suppose – this feeling of absolute power due to the ongoing effect and voicelines) and definitely zero fun to play against.
Your argument about zoolocks tapping to get cards anyways (because it is good/wins you games) is not really related to mine about card draw not being a “fun effect”. Or do you always go like “yes, and now i will use life tap, draw a card and – oooh, this is so much fun, I got one more card in hand” everytime you HP? I suppose not. The effect is powerful and fits the archetype, yes, it will win you games, yes, but you will never go as crazy about it as about dropping that bloodreaver gul’dan and filling your whole board, or setting up/escaping lethal with alexstraza. Or if you play the boomship (or however the warrior legendary spell is called, no matter how questionable its viability/powerlevel is) and you drop 3 gigantic minions from your hand (since you play a recruit deck), this really feels amazing. Cool effects. Big swings. Unique interactions. This is the essence of legendary cards. Not ridiculously powerful effects that draw their power from too many stats or too much value for too little of a mana cost.
And concerning drawing a useless card with the soularium – a good deck list will not have such cards in it anyways. Imagine you have a doomguard and the soularium in hand. Of course you play the soularium first to gain this massive advantage which the doomguard would otherwise simply discard. Then you draw another doomguard or a lich king, your gul’dan or just any good cards with combined mana costs that keep you from playing some or even ANY of them rightaway. Imagine you lose almost all of your remaiming best cards on the spot because you just got yourself a horrible soularium and all you’ve got left are a bunch of small minions. Then you realize, that this 2nd despicable dreadlord might have been useful against odd paladin. Or that you simply needed some of these bigger minions to be able to kill some of your opponents big dudes and you just lost most or all of them because as zoo you don’t have that many high end cards. This is what makes this card even more frustrating to play.
And now discard. Discard decks with the current standard pool are simply put: nonexistant. Questlock is bad because you have no play turn 1 against tempo oriented decks and discard is the worst thing that can happen to control decks. So you won’t be able to play it. Discard as a mechanic is not fun in HS as the cards you lose are always completely random, not as in other CCGs, where discards effect target the least cost card, the highest cost card in your hand or a card of your choice. You either win the gamble or you don’t. Today i discarded the doomguard that would have given me lethal on the spot with my soulfire – 3 or 4 consecutive times with a 25% chance each. No, discard is not fun. Even when you win the gamble it is more relief than joy that follows. Cards that profit of discards have already been printed, however only silverware golem has been played as discarding cards such as cruel dinomancer or lanathel which only benefit from OTHER cards being discarded turned out to make such inclusions dangerously inconsistent. Whereas more reliable discard synergies would strictly overpower such archetypes as the purpose of discard is to sacrifice cards in your hand for other resources, usually tempo. Remember malchezaar’s imp? This card singelhandedly enabled the discolock archetype. Which speaks for itself.
And finally your comment, that you are a warlock otp leads me to the assumption that you love how your favourite archetype gets boosted beyond reason and keeps you from looking at things objectively. This card is too reliable in an aggro deck and doesn’t give me the enjoyment I would expect from a legendary card as it is pure stats and i don’t see the difference from printing a 1 mana 6/6 without any card text. Too good to be true but nothing fancy.
The Soularium
This might be the case until you get complete trash draws in few consecutive games from the soularium whilst the opposing aggro zoolocks (and if this card is as powerful as it appears, there will be plenty of them) get horrendously lucky with theirs so you get clapped by RNGsus in person. I think the effect – as drawing is random by nature, and the discard threat too punishing – is too frustrating to be enjoyable in the long run.
The Soularium
I love zoo. I love warlock. I love how zoolock tries to play for board presence and has to make smart trades, has to keep good positioning and tries to constantly play around answers. I hate this card.
It is obviously a giant mid/lategame swing if it does not hit your doomguards or other high end cards. However it is neither fun to play nor fun to play against. Drawing a few cards is not fun. Discard is the least fun mechanic in the game.
This card can win you games, but there is nothing flashy or strategic about it. You hit a few medium sized or small dudes or even the burn you looked for – guess you either win or at least have quite the swingy turn. You hit your finishers or multiple (discard-related) burn cards or a doomguard in a situation you cannot make good use of them (e.g. you’re far from lethal range/you discard the redt of your hand) – guess you just lost your burn/your hand. You hit some other high end cards you cannot play at the same time (you still do have mana limitations)? Well, you just ran your deck out of value; time to hit bottom right, buddy.
It’s a hit or miss. You hit – you win (or win the board). You miss – it does absolutely nothing or loses you the game on the spot. Sounds fun to play yet?
It reminds me of playing paladin with divine favour in hand or aluneth face mage and how people hate to play against it. Actually I think it is quite a fitting comparison, as this card requires you to essentially play an aggro deck, dumping (1) all everything you draw on the board so you don’t discard it or (2) rapidly burn all your otherwise drawn resources anyways as you know you can just refill with the soularium. Both generate ao much tempo that you do good to just go face as your opponent will be overwhelmed and has to deal with your board.
And this is how all the remaining knowledge and careful resource management characteristic to zoolock becomes obsolete and you get an aggro deck with a boring hit-or-miss op tempo card (look at all the flashy swingy other legendary spells, they’re so much cooler even if less effective.)
Knights of the Frozen Throne Survival Guide - Launch Time, Tips, Things to Know
Blizzard announced that you get a guaranteed legendary within the first 10 packs of a new expansion that you open; so if you ever opened any ungoro packs you are not granted an ungoro legendary. If you ever opened any gadetzan packs you are not guaranteed to get a legendary in the next 10 packs either.
Only in your first ten card packs of each expansion that you haven’t opened a single card pack of. This also means that you will not get a free legendary every 10 packs – which would be a ridiculously high chance
But you would give him a 6 health minion, spend minimum 3 cards for this sick combo move (felhound, treachery, defile) a whole turn and wouldprobably not even kill it whilst most likely also running some smaller minions into it, giving up board control or at least wasting tons of resources. It really does not look like a good deal
Desperate Stand
This might be a good card with the new divine shield synergies, especially on a tyrion, a psych-o-tron and such nasty annoying cards
Valeera the Hollow
Does the Yogg-saron spell counter reset after you play one? Otherwise you could just play Yogg and never stop
Unwilling Sacrifice
This might be a good card for zoo – despite being worse than deadly shot for the same mana cost and deadly shot being a common card – but it really is not innovative at all. Warlock always has to sacrifice cards, health, minions or both of the latter to get not so powerful effects whilst it is shaman having the overstatted minions and mage having the card advantage by just dropping a board clear spell or a target removal potentially creating huge card or just value advantage.
That’s because it was obviously very sarcastic and troll. Check out my other comment to the card if you want to know what I actually do think about it.
I do not see any form of consistence with the new warlock cards. Sanguine reveler is definitely zoo, Lanathael seems to be more discards-control-ish oriented (which i think is a terrible concept since you inevitably discard some of your answers/options; hopefully the warlock hero card will help out); defile is about survivability too and fits in several archetypes, although zoo again does provide some 1healh minions to start the domino effect.
And then this card. Fatigue warlock? It essentially draws and discards an opponents card. Obviously fatigue warlock won’t get a thing EVER, so i think it pushes the class in a control oriented direction as your opponent might very well lose a answer. So we have zoo, discard (which might mix with zoo) and some weird control-ish cards.
I do hope they won’t make warlock unplayable for an even longer period of time, but I really cannot find a working concept behind these – to me – very different and almost random cards.
You have to somehow kill your hemet off after dropping it and if your opponent senses what you’re doing he will make it as hard as possible for you. Plus hd can destroy your combo pieces. Hemet is just really bad in mecha’thun decks.