Weird question! Do you think mechanical whelp necromechanic and nine lives vs leroy, unleash the hounds and explodinator are enough different cards to classify mech and bomb hunter as different archetypes and well as classify them as different tiers all together, cause 90% of the time they are going to function the same (IE both produce bombs, both take advantage of deathrattle, both magnetic etc. ). was just wondering if those few cards warrant enough to tilt the deck to be able to even be classified as different decks when it feels like those are just customizations and meta choices and should have very simuliar results (In same tier). Just wondering if im missing something before I make choices in dust use thanks!
Weird question! Do you think mechanical whelp necromechanic and nine lives vs leroy, unleash the hounds and explodinator are enough different cards to classify mech and bomb hunter as different archetypes and well as classify them as different tiers all together, cause 90% of the time they are going to function the same (IE both produce bombs, both take advantage of deathrattle, both magnetic etc. ). was just wondering if those few cards warrant enough to tilt the deck to be able to even be classified as different decks when it feels like those are just customizations and meta choices and should have very simuliar results (In same tier). Just wondering if im missing something before I make choices in dust use thanks!