DevDog's Comments
Elder Longneck
funny that this is receiving so much criticism, there are a few really effective adaptations this can take.
pretty conceivable that you will get either stealth, divine shield, or +3 health, which makes it really good.
Gentle Megasaur
Looks bad, putting 2 copies of a non-Murloc in a murloc deck feels bad, plus it is terrible tempo, you don’t want to use your entire turn 4 on one card in an Aggro deck. Other issues like the fact that you probably won’t even have enough targets on turn 4 to use this on and even if you do its probably better just to spam more murlocs. Seems like a win more card, idk
Grimestreet Outfitter
need a deck with a lot of minions to make this really impactful on turn 2, but paladin can always fall back on really solid midrange lists, so this might become a staple 2 drop
Counterfeit Coin
i’m seeing this card as being really strong right now, and it’s mainly because it speeds up miracle rogue a lot.
people have mentioned tomb pillager, which is a good comparison, but what tomb pillager gains from having a strong body, it loses for being a slow card. pillager often takes up an entire turn for rogue when played, as it is usually played on tempo. then you have to wait at least one turn to get the coin out of the card. if you want a second free coin, you have to do that whole process again.
Counterfeit coin has no delay, making it a more flexible alternative that you can play 2 copies of on one turn without any setup.
in combo decks, that’s a big deal. I can think of dozens of incredible tempo plays using these coins, especially combined with prep. in malygos, this can be the stuff of nightmares for your opponent. (turn 9 maly, coin, sinister, coin, sinister, prep, damage, etc..)
>extremely slow
>ice lance is gone from freeze mage
>reno mage is gone
>secret mage decks are historically bad