DestinyXXX's Comments
Control Shudder Shaman
At the moment i prefer Eater of Secrets over MCT and Ooze over Albatross, but the list is good, I like it! Good job :))
Grand Lackey Erkh
What a disgusting new card, just like Reno and HS in general since year of the mammoth…
The Pros and Cons of Non-Stop Balance Changes
Did you forget about Witchwood and Rasthakan nerfs? They practically killed all the good decks in the format (Cube and Control Warlock, Even Paladin, Spiteful Druid, Quest Rogue, Maly and Tog Druid, Shudderwock Shaman, Odd and KB Rogue, some slower Hunter variants, etc). Blizzard should respect the cards they just printed more and ban them for standard-only only when they are really really problematic. Banning is better than nerfing because while unbanning is easy, unnerfing happened just once (molten giant docet). The last time I truly enjoyed playing HS was in the year of the mammoth, before and after the Raza/Patches and the Jade/FWA nerfs. Back then there were actually good cards to play with and the meta was enjoyable both in ladder and tournaments (Medivh, N’zoth, Cubelock, Raza, Fatigue Warrior, Control Warlock, Zoolock, Jade Druid, Tempo Rogue, OTK / N’zoth Paladin, Control Mage, Combo Priest, Quest Druid, Big Druid, Quest Mage, Pirate Warrior, Evolve Shaman, etc etc Conquest Bo5 in tournaments). Honestly the truth is that HS has become disgusting with the release of Witchwood and that’s why I’ve switched back to MTG (arena is great value for time and for money and reaching mythic in the first week of the month actually mean something; the economy of the game also isn’t rigged).
Wrapped Golem
With this card astromancer for 7 (and conjurer on 7 mana minions) will be surely stronger than astromancer for 8.
9 >>> 7 >>> 8
Who agrees with me?
Tomb Warden
You’re right. The collateral nerf to Keleseth and Val’anyr was really frustrating…
Dragon Paladin Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
You need 2x Equality (or ray) 2x Twilight Drake and 2x Scorcher for sure…
From your list:
-2 Fairy Dragon
-2 Aldor Peacekeeper
-1 Cairne
+2 Twilight Drake
+2 Dragonmaw Scorcher
+1 Shrink Ray
-2 Wyrmguard
+2 A new challenger
-2 Blessing of kings
-1 Ysera
+1 Shirvallah
+1 Alexstrasza
+1 10 mana double reno Jackson
Late game (turn 9+) equality + a buffed dragonmaw scorcher (6/9) is going to be your main wincon…
Murloc Shaman Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
2x Tastyfin should also be core…
Secret Paladin - Rise of Shadows Pre-Release Event (Alliestrasza)
11 secrets + subject 9 are a must have in this deck!
Murloc Shaman Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
-1 Hex (useless with the guaranteed adapt into poisonous)
-1 Cauldron (trash without the silver hand hp)
+ 1x Hench Clan Hag (2x total)
+1x Zilliax (good tempo card with a potential of 6 murloc-mech)
Bomb Warrior - Rise of Shadows Pre-Release Event (Alliestrasza)
My list is probably better:
Murloc Shaman Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
Hench clan hag is similar to the old call 2 arms; 2x seems absolutely core to me…
Giant Holy Wrath Paladin - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #95 Legend (Kyouma)
Giant + Lens -> a.k.a. how to make your spells unplayable
Odd Rogue Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
-2 Blink Fox
+1 Myra’s
+1 Greenskin (which is a must vs Clone Priest, one of the main reasons to play Odd Rogue right now)
Somebody prefers Blink Fox over Fledgling but IMO it’s a mistake. First the random card can be disfunctional with Myra’s; second only Fledgling is threatening enough to bait out removals. Some might say that foxes are better vs hunter. Well, that’s not true. Vs deathrattle hunter fledgling is clearly better (u must play it before it’s checked by flanking strike though); vs spell or secret hunter u lose most of the times no matter which one u pick between the two (an unanswered bird is still your best chance). Moreover fledgling is your only hope in some difficult matchups, it improves the matchup vs evenlock “even” more (lol) and it can win games on its own vs everything if it goes face unanswered.
For these reasons Fledgling > Fox, always and forever.
The 1x Owl is really nice in this meta full of spikeridged steed. It’s also very good vs deathrattle hunter and evenlock (beware of defiles though). The only problem is that’s another 3-drop, thus another reason to choose between the rng fox and flappy bird.
Ps: lightning storm has become really really bad lately. It just overloads you a lot while killing nothing reliably. A doomsayer, a beetle or a maelstrom portal should be better in the current meta (or MCT / Albatross / Eater of Secrets).