depression's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Which deck list do you use?
Mecha'thun Warrior - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Fibonacci)
What is the point of Spellzerker? Just to have some extra reach on a warpath? Wouldn’t a second brawl be better?
Zoo Warlock - Rise of Shadows - Kolento
How important is soularium in the new zoo decks? Are there any budget replacements for it?
Mechathun Warrior
What am I missing here? I’m probably dumb but I don’t exactly see what the combo to kill M’thun is. Shield slam it? Run it into opponent’s minions using the rush from Dr Boom? Neither of those seem reliable at all. SOrry if I’m missing something obvious
Deathrattle Priest - Rise of Shadows - Kibler
Uhh what do you mean? Coffin Crasher doesn’t summon the undertakah from hand since it’s not actually a deathrattle minion, it just gains deathrattles through its battlecry. There’s no anti-synergy there.
Silence Priest - Rise of Shadows - Zalae
Just an FYI, you have Madame Lazul listed as a 0 mana minion for some reason, which I think is making it not valid to copy into hearthstone. No big deal, just putting that out there
Idk about this one, seems like it’s just a quickly thrown together, unfocused highlander deck just to get use out of sir Finley, which doesn’t seem strong enough to build a highlander deck around. Probably would work for skilled streamers but I don’t think this is a good deck.