DemoNoidX's Comments
N'Zoth Deathrattle Priest
Oh my, you’re right..
Careless mistakes on my part I must admit, thanks for pointing it out though, I’ll double check for small mistakes as such more often.
N'Zoth Deathrattle Priest
As I mentioned in the notes Nexus-Champion Saraad or even better Herald Volazj are good replacements but since they’re not very popular cards to have you could sub in any of these:
-Cabal Shadow Priest
-Justicar Trueheart ( To make it a bit more control-ish )
-Excavated Evil ( for more board clear )
or even Hogger, Doom of Elwynn, though it’s a bit slower.
You’re call, hope this helped!
Embrace C'Thun Control Priest
After some more testing and your recommendations I updated the list. Nice call on the second Shadow Word: Death, helped out a lot, thanks!
Embrace C'Thun Control Priest
I see little potential in Entomb in this expansion since it could only be useful against Big Old Gods, adding it eventually to the decks is something that could most likely happen though. As for Twilight Geomancer, I’m considering changing it. Thanks for your recommendation!
Curse of Time
Haha well, Nozdormu is definitely a key card here, no doubt.
But If you don’t have the card I’m highly recommending the following:
+Ragnaros the Firelord
-Bane of Doom
There’s gotta be some combo for those Curses and this is the closest one.
Curse of Time
I am neither a Youtuber or Streamer so sadly, no.
You can either suggest my decks to a streamer and watch them test it, or wait until I become any of the above myself haha.
Please do let me know if anyone does play my decks, that would be exciting! 🙂
Curse of Time
Haha that’s very true. I’ll include that in the description.
Even though most of the times the combo is Noz double Curse, I can see your suggestion as an early way out.
Molten Shadow
If Pianta is Molten Giant I would suggest either replacing 1 Lightbomb for a second Entomb or just play the cards in the correct order.
Molten Shadow
Well the deck was mainly built around the current aggro meta on the ladder anyway. Now if you’re looking for specific counter cards for the current meta consider any changes such as:
-Shrinkmeister, +Mind Control Tech
For Secret Paladins, or:
-Museum Curator x2, +Unstable Ghoul x2
Again for any Muster for Battles or to keep the board in range for your turn 5 removals.
Molten Shadow
Kodorider is a great winning condition, can’t go back on that. But the Molten Giants are the winning condition here, that can be played a bit sooner in most cases and will only have the privilege of having as much as 2 like the Kodorider in most cases.
You can always take a Shrinkmeister out for a Kodorider if you feel that it’s useless, but then your combo of Cabal or SW: Pain is removed.
I haven’t tested a Kodorider here, but feel free tweeking it to you likings! 🙂
Molten Shadow
Frost Giants only work if your starting mulligan has Shadowform 100% in it or else you’ll be looking for cards to survive rather than using your hero power.
Shadow Priest decks along with Hobgoblin decks are supposed to be as good as when your key card is not drawn ( Shadowform in this case ). Since you only use your hero power a lot only when Shadowform is in play Frost Giants become an extremely slow card.
With all this aggro dominating the ladder you’ll find yourself lower than you’d expect on turn 4 or 5 and by that point you could have an 8/8 body on the board ready to be taunted up. 🙂
For further information check the notes, I updated since the deck went 15-5.
Eerie Statue Handlock
Wailing Soul is what makes this deck a different from other Handlock deck and although the deck may not have much value, the AoE Silence gives you a huge tempo swing when the board is setup with Statues and Watchers. Even though you can’t pick what to silence doesn’t mean that it’s a 4 Mana 3/5, which definitely bigger than an owl and tougher to get rid of at that point in the game than a Spellbreaker while at the same time can challenge a minion like Piloted Shredder and remain on the board. I don’t think anyone is ever going to play Wailing Soul after playing Thaurissan or Twilight Drake ( Not in that order on the same turn at least. ) And even if Thaurissan gives you the discount and remains alive, I don’t see why someone wouldn’t play Dr. Boom, Ragnaros or even Wailing Soul to control the board further.
It’s a strong card that can very easily be played by itself, without ruining the board while keeping Tempo.
OblivionAwaits' "Bane of Zephyrs" Priest
Extremely interesting deck.
The deck in overall is pretty strong against certain decks and it’s play-style seems like a combo/mid-range but most of the turns as it is right now are pretty dead and aggro decks have a huge advantage with average to bad draw.
I messed around with this deck quite a lot.
Things I would change and why ( based on my opinion and experience ):
-1 Inner Fire, -2 Light of Naru, +2 Flash Heal, -1 Shadow Word: Pain, -1 Shrinkmeister, -1 Cabal Shadow Priest, +2 Auchenai Soulpriest, +1 Holy Nova.
2 Inner Fire will only benefit in very limited situations. 1 is enough for a combo-lethal or an activator for either the bane’s or pyromancer.
Light of Naru is just a card that I never really found useful, it just provides an extra body or 2 that needs an extra turn to work and dies to almost everything. Flash heal on the other hand can kill a number of 5 hp minions, combo 10/5 damage for lethal to face for extra damage in a combo and generally heals for more to either heal for combo, survive lethal combos and of course activate most cards.
Shadow Word pain has very minimum value against all aggro decks, no use in my opinion.
With the board clear’s I added Cabal won’t see amazing play so Shrinkmeister won’t be needed.
As for Malygos/Ysera, Djinni can combo kill either with a with a simple Divine Spirit+Inner Fire combo.
Holy Nova can work as a 4 damage board clear late game with a Pyromancer+Spare Part extra combo.
It works great against Face Hunter, Secret Paladin and Mech Mage Decks that haunt the ladder nowdays, while it simply adds up to another board clear/heal.
Auchenai is just for the extra damage/board control that synergizes greatly with Circle of Healing and Flash Heal.
This changes just remove the midrange factor from the deck as mentioned and make it a control/combo instead.
As I said, the overall idea of the deck is very interesting and I hope this comment helps.
Good luck.
J4CKIECHAN'S Season 21 Rank 1 EU Egg Druid
How about replacing one Jeeves for a Gormock?
The board is always flooded as it’s supposed to and that 4 extra damage with a big body to add up can either help for leathal, removal or just board control.
In some situations Jeeves, yes is very necessary. But in a game where you have an advantage and/or if Cult Master is buried deep into your last cards, Gormock could synergize quite well.
And lastly, the deck lacks some card draw in most situations.
So i would personally suggest picking the Life Tap ( Warlock Hero Power ) when Mrrgglton is played turn 1 or early on in the game.
With that said, the deck is very unique and very strong in the current meta. Great stuff.
Glad you enjoyed!
Sadly with the current aggro meta that haunts the ladder your only option for subbing in some card draw would be making the deck less greedy by removing Resurrect since Taunts are much too valuable right now.
Feel free to tweak though and make any suggestions!