Debhole4PREZ's Comments
Carnivorous Cube
It can only eat friendly minions, so no way will this work with silence or evolve. But I’m pretty sure you just misread the card.
Carnivorous Cube
Deathrattle hunter new tier 1 deck?
But for real I could see this carrying deathrattle hunter into a tier 3, maybe tier 2 deck. Play dead suddenly seems pretty good, maybe you eat a savannah highmane, play dead, trade it away, and you got yourself 4 highmanes. This card will either be 1/5 or 5/5.
And I chose 5/5
Dragon Soul
The first deck I ever crafted was a dragon priest deck. Seems like dragon priest is dyeing as it doesn’t seem like Blizzard is inclined to add enough dragons into the game to really create an archetype.
Sadly this card requires lots of spells to be good, and dragon priest doesn’t have enough to reliably trigger this. Maybe a razakus-dragon priest? Maybe I am asking two much, but I know if I get this I will try to make it work.
Crushing Walls
1 star.
Probably won’t be played as Blizzard has been pushing control hunter since launch, yet it doesn’t work. The hero power doesn’t let it, there isn’t enough card draw, and there is no AOE. Even if they had all that, this wouldn’t be played. 7 mana to kill two minions is really good, but the fact that it is easily played around makes it much worse.
You can’t push both face hunter and control hunter, so if they want to make this work they must make the rest of the hunter cards super good and at least one AOE.
Lesser Jasper Spellstone
This card looks super powerful, but the upgrade part could make it much worse. The upgrade makes it deal 4, but I don’t know if it can upgrade twice. If it can I think that I will be played in any non-agro druid deck, and it will give them much more early game. Only issue is Skulking Geist.
Rin, the First Disciple
I doubt this card will be good but man this card looks so fun, can’t wait to use it, if I ever get it…
At best you highroll wondrous wand in a Big Priest Deck, won’t be played in any deck that cares about your opponents health. This card probably won’t be played due to how hard it is to actually kill the box, as a 6/6 body for 8 is low tempo.