Deadpoolrising's Comments
United in Stormwind Rewards Track Refresh Details
does anyone know how much gold you get from the main track? (1-100) before I do the math lol
17.0.2 Balance Patch is now Live!
That does sound interesting, I’m definitely going to check it out. Mecha was a wild go to for a while, this was a disappointing nerf for me
17.0.2 Balance Patch is now Live!
I would hope i’m not the only one but I am so sad that they just took away my mecha’thun combo
I Am Not Prepared: The Diary of My Race to 1000 Demon Hunter Wins (Introduction)
You should! It sounds like a cool journey, I’m interested lol and don’t mind the barrier, is your Twitch handle the same?
I Am Not Prepared: The Diary of My Race to 1000 Demon Hunter Wins (Introduction)
Love all your articles, love the attitude, gl and hf! Will you be streaming any of this per chance?
A Few Notes on the Returning Player Experience - Who Qualifies For the Free Decks
Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to look into it.
And thank you very much for the tip, I just installed it and wow what a difference! That helps immensely. I have been trying to read the longer articles as I play HS and WoW all week long, this is gonna help so much! Unfortunate about the front page pictures :/ but tbh I read everything that gets posted so it won’t matter for me
Thank you and you too
A Few Notes on the Returning Player Experience - Who Qualifies For the Free Decks
Hello Stonekeep! I love the site and all of the articles you and the rest of the writers put out, been reading and using this site for a few years now.
But I have a suggestion/question, would it be possible to make a Dark Mode for the site? The iconic white and blue is nice but, as most nerds do, I have a cave and tbh the brightness is somewhat blinding at night, making it somewhat difficult to keep up on my second screen to read a lengthy article while I play on my main.
Anyway I hope you’re doing well in this time of crisis and keep up the good work! Love reading.
Wasn’t sure how to contact you so I’m hoping this works :p
2019 in Hearthstone - A Summary of the Passing Year
Been coming here near every day for awhile now, thanks for all the content, great site great team. Happy New Year everyone!
I had hoped you were doing another one of these. Godspeed to you sir.
Ironically, I’ve been running unholy the (w)hole time actually. At first a 2/1 unholy/blood, before just diving in full 3 rune. I found a lot of success at first, but as the bloods saturated things it slowed down. Post patch though I went on a tear again. I haven’t gotten to put in the time I used to but I definitely have over a 50% win rate so far.
New class is a lot of fun, corpses are just great for token-y things. Haven’t even touched frost other than in duels yet. Blood is good but control always makes me restless I can never stick to it. Looking forward to seeing how things evolve and will be glued to your journal like last time.
Good luck and may the frozen wastes be with you.