Davis The Savage's Comments
The Boomsday Project Deck Lists - Deck Ideas, Pro & Streamer Decks!
You have double Charged Devilsaurs and Grommash, and you play one or two inner rages on grommash, to add up to 26 or 28 damage
Explore Un'Goro
What is “discover a card”; I know the mechanic, but does this replace your deck with 0 cost spells that allow you to discover cards, or will it work so that at the beginning of each turn you discover a card? Or something else?
Lakkari Sacrifice
I agree, in the current state control-based decks can’t play discard: they rely too much on their resources, and discarding crucial cards is too much of a risk. I also enjoy slower decks, but the discard mechanic just doesn’t make much sense in a control deck. Also, i feel that playing a quest is too slow for an aggro deck. They would lose their turn 1 play, which puts them behind on board (or they use the coin, but then they’re automatically behind because they’re going second), and they usually want to be playing cards on turn 5 and on to finish the game; the portal is a much slower way of winning.
This being said, could mid-ranged discard-lock become a thing, which uses both Malchezar’s Imp and later game control-ish cards, and can utilize the quest and portal?
Lakkari Felhound
I feel like, with these stats and taunt, this card would work pretty well in a control warlock deck- the only catch is that the discard mechanic is, in its nature, a more aggressive deck type. This card could see play in the current discard zoo decks, but I feel like it won’t make it into any control-based decks, because the discard mechanic is just that detrimental- control decks want to hold onto their cards, while aggro decks don’t really care about their hands in favor of a powerful board presence.
Elise the Trailblazer
I feel like 5 random cards from the new set isn’t that good, especially compared to the old Elise and a full deck of legendaries.
TerrenceM's Dragon Paladin (9-3) - Heroic Tavern Brawl #2
What hero powers are you looking for from Finley?
Trogg Beastrager
I think that the fact that it is not a beast itself really hurts this card.
Small-Time Recruits
I’m wondering which 1 cost minions you are going to want to draw
Thijs' Renolock (October 2016, Season 31)
Replacement for Jaraxxus and Twisting Nether? Only two cards I dont have in this deck.
MrYagut's Thief Rogue w/Ethereal Peddler & Swashburglar (September 2016, Season 30)
I decided to disenchant Yogg, so i put in a second gadgetzan instead… is this an alright switch?
Thijs' Malchezaar Yogg Control Warrior (September 2016, Season 30)
is ysera an okay replacement for post nerf yogg?
Senfglas' Control Warrior w/Prince Malchezaar (September 2016, Season 30)
So, Yogg Saron post nerf isnt really that good/reliable anymore… he always gets removed/silenced/returned in the first few spells, and his board clear is far less reliable.
Aggro Shaman Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
Maybe a manatide totem?
Only obtainable through Medivh, right?
Is this the summoning stone of weapons?
Silverware Golem
It seems like Blizzard wants us to go the Discard Warlock?… This is pretty good if you discard it, but a 3 mana 3-3 isn’t that good under normal circumstances…
Turn 1, coin out Succubus and discard Silverware Golem= OP
How does this achieve Cthun OTK?