Davidus707's Comments
A Look Back at The First Six Weeks of Demon Hunter - What Went Wrong & Right With The New Class
I think they are doing the things right in general and i agree with what you say.
IMO the idea of nerfing quick is all righ but it may be making them test less the cards. Remember, in descent of dragons it happend almost the same with Shamman and it wasn’t a new class.
Taking risks is grat by releasing skull of guldan at 5 mana or the shamman galkrond backage that storng (the class was alrready strog) is not taking risks, is an absolute no sense.
Any relese of content is good if you have to nerf cards in the same week.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Thank you for letting me know how it works!
Anyways, I think the reward is too big. With the extra star, you can hit legend with a loosing win rate even in diamond 5 to 1. I am all right with the new sistem but I think that to be in legend in any single season you have to work for it and at least be able to do the +15 in ranks 5 to 1.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Does anybody know in wich legend position do you need to finish to get the 11 stars bonus? I can’t get the information anywhere
I Am Not Prepared: the Diary of My Race to 1000 Demon Hunter Wins (Week 5)
Because of your articles (and practice for sure) if have hit legend with Dm with a 70% winrate.
I was pretty bad with DH and i did’t like to play the class. So thank you!
Love the x2 mana burn and quiting Kayn, not so sure about double questing adventure, I prefer to run one and include a second satyr.
Anyway, your tips turned my win rate to horrible to amazing so thank you!
Upcoming New Game Mode from Phase 2 - Will We Get A Rotating Format?
You can already do that in Fireside Gatherings. You can even use some location software to join a gathering without beeing there to play that mode
Upcoming New Game Mode from Phase 2 - Will We Get A Rotating Format?
You can already do that. If its a private just decide the rules with the other player.
New Ranked System Lead to Nearly 10x As Many Legend Players in April
Thats true. But new sistem has a big upside IMO.
Now it is posible to hit legend playing control decks for players that just can’t play 3 hours a day or more. With old sistem, it was super hard to get the +25 from 5 to legend.
With +15, if you find a good deck for the meta and you play good you can at least have a chance.
In my personal case, I had climbed multiple times before but always with aggro/tempo decks that allow me to play a lot of games per hour. If you do not have a lot to play it was litearaly the only way to hit legend.
With new sistem, I feel I do not need to play fast decks to have a chance and that is great.
Ej: This season I made it with higlander priest. With old sisten i may not have even tried the climb because i knew that even with 60% win rate it was impossible becasue the time factor.
New Ranked System Lead to Nearly 10x As Many Legend Players in April
How can I know the legend rank in wich I finished the season?
It do no appear in the client. Is there any way to know it?
Anyway, I can undesrtand why they dont show you the position in the client. I played a lot to get top 10.000 in EU server and I would like to know if i made it
17.0.2 Balance Update Details - Kael'thas, Albatross, Felwing, Altruis, Battlefiend, Glaivebound Adept, Sacrificial Pact, Bloodbloom, Open the Waygate & Libram of Justice
Priest is not unplayable. In fact, higlander priest is one of the best decks in the current meta.
You have A LOT of early game removal against DH and if they dont kill you early, in late game you are really likely to win.
Against druids, you can win easy with your full board clears.
Against warlock, it is not the best matchup but you can win a fair amount of games.
Hard counter is rouge but i dont see lot of them in ladder now.
I have made a 80% winrate run to legend with that deck, best win rate i have had in years, fist time I climb to legend with control.
Against control decks, you can win the value game easy with Galkrond.
So stop crying about priest, the class is in an excelent spot right now as the best control class, maybe only in dispute with higlander mage but IMO priest is way better in this meta.
Worst Designed Cards and Mechanics in the History of Hearthstone
I disagree in puting Kaleseth and Higlander mechanic in same box. Higlander decks create RNG but makes games less repetitive too. As you said, too many consistency is super boring because every game feel the same. Rng is good for that
Mindflayer Kaahrj
You are mising that if you can target just a 2 drop on curv3 is better that piloted shreeder. If you hit a 3 drop on curve its already a big tempo play
Depth Charge
IMO it is worst that doomsayer but it does not mean that it will not be playable. Maybe in decks that really want to stall early and want to play that and two doomsayers or in higlander decks that just can play 1 doomsayer. I think it has 2 upsides. First one is being cheaper, but you do not want to play this in t1 if you go first. Second one is to activate it more that once, but requires other cards
Could Hearthstone have more limited formats than just Arena?
What I miss more is a “no meta” constructed mode.
Reason: I would like to build my own decks and just not lose 80% of games agaist decks copied from internet
They may have a databe with most played decks and decks with 20 or more cards in common with them would not be allowed to play in this mode.
If any deck gets popular in this format, it will just be banned. So the idea is there is no meta.
If a deck is meta, its just out. So everybody will have to play with their own decks and not be just shifted out loosing vs meta decks
Magic Trick
A cost 1 spell than generate an other cheap spell in mage can be very powerfull.
Crystalsong Portal
This card can be compared with omega assamblery.
Cost 1 more
The requirment requires to build your deck around it
The minios are ramdom, not mechs
I think OA won t be played if Dr Boom did not exist
This card will se 0 play
This card is really good. You can tempo remove the opponent drop 3 if you happen to play the fox or the new 3/2 on curve. Guiven that with the small pool of dorps 3 we would be playing foxx and the 3/2 anyway, this card is great!!!!
What do you think will be a better desing for combo disruption cards? The RNG is needed because other way just 1 copy of this in your deck is almost insta win vs combo. I think most players are not upset with combo decks exsitng but with combo decks beeing imposible to beat with control decks. But combo decks exsitning is good for the game if they are in check, if any control deck, by just runnig 1 card (and playing it with skill) ista wins vs combo, there will be 0 combo decks. In resum, I prefer matches that are decided by RNG that matches that are decided before turn 1. And i prefer combo to exist but to be a small portion off meta
Power of Creation
Except in CTA you control the minios you summon and thins your deck
Do you know if they are going to print the replacement cards for the ones that went to hall of fame?