DavidTsr's Comments
Miracle Druid - Rise of Shadows - #9 Legend (OrcMalade)
You alright mate, I’ve been trying the deck for 2 days at rank 5, it’s actually pretty bad in the current meta.
Can’t win against rogue, lost against most warriors with double brawl, lost against mage, and also against most of mech hunters.
Malygos Togwaggle Druid - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #13 Legend (BeNice), #14 Legend (Nightning)
WTF ^^’ how are we supposed to play this ? It’s like two deck in one ^^’
Hakkar Togwaggle Druid - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #7 Legend (Zamos)
I think it would be interesting to have a video or a guide to see the best way to play this deck
Ouate's #38 Legend Rastakhan Beast Malygos Druid
Sounds like a good one, I have all cards except Wardruid Loti, what would be the best replacement ?
What is the purpose of playing Jepetto in this deck ?