DatMageDoe's Comments
Necrotic Geist
For this minion to be worth it, at least 2 minions need to be generated from it. It’s also worth mentioning that as long as this minion stays alive, the Ghouls will be like Dreadsteed, and allow you to keep recycling the same 2/2 over and over again provided Necrotic Geist doesn’t die.
But that aside, this card is better value than Soul of the Forest, which isn’t saying much because Soul of the Forest saw no play. However, for a 6 drop, its stat distribution is dreadful, probably what lets the card as a whole down. 3 health, for a 6 drop, is nothing, and basically means all it takes is a 2 drop or Lightning Bolt to remove it.
It might see play in Arena as a win-more card, but it’s too vulnerable to removal to use in Constructed.
You must be very bad at evaluating cards if you cannot look past the circlejerk.
The biggest problem to this card is consistency. Whereas cards such as Wickerflame Burnbristle ALWAYS have Divine Shield, Taunt, and Lifesteal, this card MIGHT have it, depending on your deck and what cards you’ve drawn. Sometimes, it might be the full package of a 3/3 with Taunt, Divine Shield, Lifesteal, and Windfury. Othertimes, it could be just a vanilla 3/3. Seeing how often it is the former and how rarely the latter happens is crucial as to if this card will see any play.
However, it is very strong in Paladin because their auto include Legendaries each tick at least one box:
Tarim: Taunt
Tirion: Taunt, Divine Shield
Wickerflame: Taunt, Divine Shield, Lifesteal
The only one missing is Windfury.
Provided you haven’t drawn Wickerflame before playing this card, it will be a slightly larger Wickerflame, allowing you to run the equivalent of 2 Wickerflames (or more) in the same deck. Hell, if you’re running some Lifesteal cards too, you might be able to get away with drawing Wickerflame and still make this card a mega Wicker.
To most classes, yes, this card probably will be quite weak. But in Pally, the potential power this card might have is insane. The only question is, is the best case scenario good enough, and frequent enough, to justify running a severely understatted card?
So slow it’s pathetic. It presents no immediate threat, no immediate impact on the board state, and the stat value is dreadful (you’re paying 9 mana for a 3/7). It’s low attack and high health, exactly what you don’t want out of a Deathrattle minion with a powerful effect, and most decks will just ignore it.
Easy 1/5. Might make some good meme decks though.
Mountainfire Armor
This card, unironically, might be even better if it was a 5/2 or 6/1. Which, considering how powerful it already is, absolutely unnecessary. The high damage would force your opponent to deal with it, or take a lot of face damage. Either stretch of the imagination, a lose lose situation unless they have tough taunts.
Ice Breaker
This card depends heavily on what other cards will be revealed for Shaman that have Freeze effects. If Shaman gets a lot of Freeze cards, and freeze cards that, more importantly, are good enough to run, then maybe this card will see play. Until then, I’m withholding giving a star rating because this one hinges heavily on the other unrevealed cards as to whether or not it itself is good.
Squirming Tentacle
Basically Silverback with +1 attack in exchange for not being a Beast. OK, a lot better because it actually can kill something on its own, but still not a really good card.
Hello! Hello! Hello! – Annoy-a-tron
Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye! -Me when Standard is announced
Aw man… – Me when Psych-o-Tron is announced.
Blade Flurry and Warsong are both in very frequently used classes. Shaman is kinda sorta the weakest class in the game. So, they’re hoping to make Shaman usable by adding in all these OP cards to it.
Blood To Ichor
Basically a 1 mana 2/2 battlecry deal 1 damage. This is a very strong early game card, but you can’t use it to kill a 2/1 and get the most out of it.
Shifter Zerus
I see some Trolden worthy moments with this card when nearing death, and Shifter becoming Deathwing to win the game.
Shifting Shade
It has value. That’s a given. 4/3 deathrattle draw a card is a good on paper, but it’s a 4 drop which can die to most 2’s. While I know that’s not always a bad thing, copying a card can end up with some useless things as a Priest such as Patron or Mysterious Challenger. I see it getting some play because it’s a good value card, but it’ll mostly be a good Arena card as drawing a random card from your opponent’s deck is generally better in Arena than drawing from your own deck. Especially if your deck is kinda garbage.
Forlorn Stalker
This is a must-run for Face Hunter Wild decks because it makes the Creepers and Shredders 2/3s and 5/4s for 4. Don’t think there are enough strong Deathrattle cards in Standard to really justify running atm. Closest thing to a strong deathrattle for Hunters would be Savannah in Standard. So this might be a really good Wild card with little potential in Standard decks.
It takes the lowest cost card in your hand (chosen randomly if there is a tie), and adds a copy of it to your hand. Or, rephrasing it, “Add a copy of the lowest cost minion (at random if a tie) in your hand, to your hand.