darthbrosius's Comments
Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
You can also go with straight 2x Hydra. They are really strong in this deck, but you need Pyro to win almost always against Nzoth Lock.
Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
-1 Arcane Intellect (we all tested them and we now all agree that there’s no room/time for drawing in this deck)
+1 Ice Block
-2 Firelands Portal
+1 Bittertide Hydra
+1 Pyroblast
Always consider Prymordial Glyph as a big spell for mulligans.
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
With Keleseth I mean because your curve is already unbalanced in the early turns.
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
To my previous decklist:
-1 Bonemare
+1 Guld’an (obviously with it there’s no choice between dreadlord and Cobalt s calebane)
With Keleseth I think that removing 1 and 3 mana drops -to make room for Guldan- is not a good idea. With the big SSummoner you can afford to play just 1 Bonemare IMO.
Btw the problem with the dk is that TOO many times you risk to discard it with Doomguard, and you can’t afford not to play Doomguard for the first 10 turns (or to have a very big hand to reduce the chances to discard it). You really have to topdeck it at the right moment. Pavel didn’t played it for the same reason I think.
The list I posted earlier (2x Tar Creeper + 2x Cobalt + 2x Spiteful Summoner and Doom! + 2x Bonemare) were indeed already very strong.
I’ll try also the Siphon Soul variant, but with the single Bonemare you really want the big SSummoner pull…
Aggro Druid
I suggest:
-1 Crypt Lord
-1 Mark of the Wild
+2 Dire Wolf Alpha (you can do crazy trade tricks with it)
-1 Hungry Crab / Golakka
+1 Golakka Crawler / Hungry Crab (you have to choose to tech against pirates or against mulocadin and go 2x; I recommend Golakka)
Maybe also -1 Crypt Lord (the second) +1 Spellbreaker
I like the 1x Penguin (very cool and bursty) + 1x Hydra (not the card itself but the choice to go 1x; in my list I play soul of the forces instead)
Exodia Quest Mage Deck List Guide - February 2018
Anti aggro build:
-2 Book +2 Conjurer
-2 Seer -1 Barrier
+2 Loot Hoarder +1 Thalnos
You can always clear your own board too with Doomsayer + Frost Nova!
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
*if you replace the ss captains with tar creepers you can replace as well 1x Crypt Lord for something better. A Spellbreaker maybe?
Ps: tell us in the guide the state of the art about the Penguins. I won games with the little bit of extra burst in the first turns and it’s the perfect target for mark of YS turn 2.
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
The new guide is fantastic, GJ. Why not playing both 2x Living Mana and 2x Soul of the Forest instead of 2x Hydra?
I conceptually like 2x Hydra only in my secret mage since in the last turns -when I’m bursting face- I always have my 1x Ice Block protection.
Why the better with taunt rule doesn’t apply to Southsea Captain vs Tar Creeper as well? If you do -2 SS Captain +2 Tar Creeper.
RIght now I’m testing your list at Legend with these variations:
-2 Hydra
+2 Soul of the Forest
-2 Ss Captain
+2 Tar Creeper
-1 Crypt Lord
+1 Spellbreaker
Ps: but I reached legend with a list with 2x Penguin 2x Golakka 2x Spellbreaker (instead of Hydra / Captain / Swarm) + 1 Crypt Lord as my only taunt minion, in a meta full of highlander priests, control N’Zoth lock and pirates.
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
The 2x Hydra fits better in a tempo deck (like my mage) than in an all-out token aggro (like my ultra aggro token druid).
If you wanna go hybrid, do it!
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
2x Penguin 2x Wolf Alfa 2x Southsea Captain 2x Spellbreaker are better against slow decks (ultra aggro druid)
2x Swarm 2x Golakka 2x Crypt Lord/Tar Creeper 2x Cobalt/Hydra are better against aggro (anti-aggro aggro druid)
You can try a mix of those packages (I reached legend with the ultra aggro + Golakka build).
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
Ps: I play Hydra in my Secret Tempo Mage list, but I have an 1x Ice Block there and a lot less minions.
In Druid a cheap minion is usually topdecked around turn 6, thus you can get value off Cobalt Scalebane. If you want to play a “big” minion that’s the way to go. Expecially if you play 2x Penguin like I suggested.
Pps: dire wolf alpha is already a soft taunt minion which costs 2 mana and it’s a lot more aggressive than swarm. I’d go with just 1x Tar Creeper / Crypt Lord / Saronite Chain Gang.
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
Ok, you convinced me, Swarm is just a little better than Gastropod (but I wouldn’t add too many Taunt minions and it faces heavy competition by the bigger Tar Creeper and Crypt Lord).
I’m still not sure about Hydra. That guy is a mini Velen for free for highlander priest (but you really want to win the games before Anduin is played, therefore it’s okay).
Against aggro the opponent’s can trade Hydra while also going face. It’s a really nice present.
I like it only against jade Druid. Turn 5 you trade your all board for value and leave just 1-2 strong minion (usually a Creeper Summoned for free and a Hydra / Scalebane) behind. Spreading plague won’t do nothing (especially with a Spellbreaker in your hand, but that’s asking too much).
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
I wouldn’t call just 1x Spellbreaker a “tech”. Is it a taunt, a Vancleef, an Auchenai SP (or Priest of the Feast, Lyra etc, ps: Priest have to put down some board vs Zoo) I never wasted it. Around turn 4/5/6/7 there’s always something nice to silence while dropping a decent 4/3 minion. But you’re right, I’d just say that 2x is more “techier” while 1x is actually very very flexible.
What do you think of the Keleseth + Spiteful Summoner variant?
2x Flame Imp
2x Fire Fly
2x Kobold Librarian
2x Voidwalker
2x Malchezaar Imp
1x Patches
1x Keleseth
2x Southsea Captain
2x Tar Creeper / Councilman
2x Saronite Chain Gang
2x Cobalt Scalebane / Dreadlord
2x Doomguard
2x Spiteful Summoner
2x Bonemare
2x Corrisor Creeper
2x Doom!
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
Without Prince Keleseth 2x Golakka Crawler are a must. Replace the Pirates with 2x Golakka Crawler +1x Spellbreaker.
Mini Pally - Prince Kelly
I forgot in my list resumé that 2x Glacial Shard were also to be replaced (in my opinion) from your list.
If you want to keep Leeroy and Val’anyr replace 2x Glacial Shard with 1x Unidentified Maul and 1x Sunkeeper Tarim.
If you don’t want to keep Leeroy and Val’anyr:
-2 Glacial Shard
-1 Val’anyr
-1 Leeroy
+2 Unidentified Maul (very good with Southsea Deckhand)
+1 Sunkeeper Tarim (absolute must have)
+1 Cobalt Scalebane (better than Val’anyr and Leeroy IMO)
Mini Pally - Prince Kelly
Tarim is an absolute must have.
Acherus Veteran in this list is also a must have.
You’re right about Divine Favor, replace them with 2 Small Time Recruits. See my latest Murloc Aggroadin list, the concept is similar (use STR instead of DF to have drawpower vs any deck).
I actually like the choice to play 2x Selfless Hero and 2x Spellbreaker.
I don’t see the reason behind Lone Champion, Stonehill Defender is better (see my latest aggroadin list, I play 2x Stonehill Defender as a way to draw Tarim or another good card; 21% chance to discover Tarim btw).
I would play at least 1 Maul, especially with Southsea Deckhand (2x is better).
Blessing of Kings is always always better than Blessing of Might, in this deck (with a lot of 1m drops) more than ever.
-2 Divine Favor +2 Small-Time Recruits
-2 Lone Champion +2 Stonehill Defender (66% to discover a paladin-class taunt, 21% to discover Tarim)
-2 Sneaky Devil +2 Acherus Veteran
-2 Blessing of Might +2 Blessing of Kings
-1 Val’anyr +1 Unidentified Maul
-1 Leeroy +1 Sunkeeper Tarim
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
*and they (2x Druid of the Swarm + 2x Crypt Lord) slow the deck down.
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
BTW, Cobalt Scalebane is also ALWAYS better than Bittertide Hydra. They have the same value, it doesn’t fear Defile/Wild Pyromancer/Anduin and more important it isn’t cleared by Dragonfire Potion!
2x Spellbreaker + 1x Cobalt Scalebane >>> 1x Spellbreaker + 2x Bitterhide Hydra
2x Druid of the swarm + 2x Crypt lord or Tar creeper are too many and slow down the deck, I’d replace 2x of them with 2x 0 mana 1/1 beast Penguin.
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
Ty, I forgot that. Well, Gastropod is both Taunt and Poisonous and costs the same. A guaranteed 1 to 1 trade even mid game with stronger minions in play (example: you kill everything on opponent’s board except a corridor creeper that’s forced to trade himself on the gastropod)… They are actually the same, I don’t understand why everyone plays Druid and nobody plays Gastropod. Another case of class cards syndrome?
Drawings except Aluneth of course.