DanzTheDeadly's Comments
Final Showdown
Drawing cards for half of the game and doing nothing does not justify cost reduction in late game.
Could pretty much play regular aggro instead. 2 strs
Command the Elements
If not random then I can easily imagine OTK deck with spells.
Brukan (+3 nature spell damage) and some random combo of face damage spells + diligent notetaker
Command the Elements
Idk if the final legendary is rly good.
If the targets are random then it is kinda bad. I can imagine double spells to damage enemy face, but otherwise there is not much use of it.
If not random then okay.
Prove me wrong.
8 damage for 2 mana is super cool.
But honestly without ways to draw these bloods early this seems too slow.
Shiver Their Timbers!
I rly doubt that it will find its place in warrior.
There is control and rush but no tempo.
Demonic Assault
I think 4 mana is a bit too expensive for this.
3 would be good.
3 stars. I highly doubt that it will replace hysteria
Varian, King of Stormwind
This card is obviously for paladin or warrior. Not anyone else.
3 stars
Wailing Caverns Mini-Set Early Meta Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Weird druid and shaman decks tho.
Perpetual Flame
Does it work with unbound elemental every time it is cast or just when you play it?
if it does it is super cool turn 4 removal + strong minion
Alec Dawson: Balance Patch Results Are Intended (Setting up Classes for the Future), Except Paladin, Which Is a Little Too Strong
“Release balanced expansion and do nerfs to strongest cards to make it even more balanced”?
“Release expansion with broken decks and not nerf them properly, then release mini-set with other broken cards”
wow thats cool bro!
Is Random (RNG) Resource Generation in Hearthstone Too Strong?
In chess you cant hit face, thats why.
Is Random (RNG) Resource Generation in Hearthstone Too Strong?
>Without RNG we’d all just be playing chess and that gets boring.
Ppl play chess for 1500 yrs and still not bored.
Apothecary Helbrim
Instead of taking full poison package with new weapon, just take old self-sharpening dagger and new assasins blade.
You dont need this legendary.
Wicked Stab (Rank 1)
Very bad 2 dmg for 2 mana. I think this will be used as a face damage over taunts in mid and late game like Eviscerate.
3 strs
Hunter cards are dumb and straightforward as usual. Seems like we will still see him at top.
Super stronk, does not even need to build deck around quest. 5 stars