DanzTheDeadly's Comments
Record Scratcher
Seems ok at first glance, but then you need to play at least 2 combo cards for this to be viable.
That’s pretty weak.
Double Cross
This card is good in any situation.
Even if the enemy does not spend all mana, the card pays for itself in 2 turns at worst (because enemy will be at least 1 mana behind every turn, and this card costs 2).
Or it is just draw 2 cards for 2 mana, this is good as well.
Murder at Castle Nathria - New Hearthstone Expansion - Cards, Reveals, Release Date, New Mechanics, and More!
Or you will be adding 10 strong cards to your deck.
Hearthstone Patch 23.2.2 Notes - Nerfs to Drek'thar, Multi-Strike, Dragonbane Shot + 17 Cards Buffed, Battlegrounds Balance Changes
I lol’d at previously nerfed rogue cards being returned exactly to pre-nerfed state….
Blood in the Water
This reminds me of hunter’s rhino with rush, but much weaker.
2 stars.
4 mana “do nothing” card with bad stats.
Probably only useful to copy some high cost win condition cards.