danivani2's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Dude im a warrior player too i have 1200+ wins and i can tell you, you’re wrong af. Yes since after ungoro warrior was bad i even remember that but since the launch of hs warrior was top 3 classes ever. Control warrior is something developpers dont want back in the game that’s probably why they nerf it from time to time. Basically in standard for the past 2 years odd and dr boom warrior was fucking everywhere warrior was S tier idk ehat youre talking about… they basically made boomsday to buff warrior since it got slack for a while. You can be happy that’s it your favourite but fiery win axe was a huge nerf idk how they will return that ever.
“Accidentally “ yeah you were probably one of those netdeckers who got her back when she wasnt anywhere and you dusted her to craft stupid netdeck. Dude never disenchant i was being so fucked by the years by disenchantments i packed her and everyone was telling me to dust her free 400 dust blah blah. Well i didnt m, same thing with hadronox. Never dust legs . And lazul is super fun