DackFayden's Comments
Arcane Tyrant
Of course. Jade Druid’s main weakness is having to ramp/draw in the mid-game without developing board presence. This makes the payoff, UI much more swingy, as the weakness of UI is that it only removes 1 thing and creates 1 thing, allowing your opponent to go wide. This will allow you to go wide as well. Also, Nourish for draw becomes much better with this, as does Spreading Plague. Do not underestimate free 4/4s. Also, not that Druid now has yet another highroll, ramping into Nourish + double Arcane Tyrant on turn 4 is pretty busted. Also, this prevents you from overdrawing with UI as well, which is helpful. In the worst place you can still play it on turn 5 instead of just hero-powering, which is still fine.
Other than Druid, Tempo Mage can also abuse this card. Free 4/4s are very helpful in tempo decks, and its an elemental to boot.
As for taking up deck spots. Thats really not that valuable. Jade Druid has multiple flex slots, and this card is quite high on the power curve.
Actually this card is quite good in Arena. You just save it until the opponent overcommits and board wide +tap, allowing you to regain tempo and still have cards. In top deck mode this card is insane. Therefore it deserves at least a 3/5 arena rating.
Vulgar Homunculus
That would be broken. Just Imagine the turn 3 Molten Giants. Flame Imp -> this -> Molten Giant.
To My Side!
This card’s better effect is still barely playable. Compare it Savannah Highmane. It has worse stats and 1/9 times it will give you 8 face damage. 2/9 times it will give you 5 damage (huffer+leok). 2/9 times it will give you 4 damage, and 4/9 times it will deal 0 damage. That means on average this card gives only 2.88 damage for 6 mana, which is frankly terrible. As two bodies this card still suffers for just having poor stats, the max being 16, which is again, worse than highmane.
To My Side!
No it still wouldn’t be playable. You would much rather play cheap spells and cheap minions so as to be extremely aggressive. Any deck that revolves entirely about drawing a specific legendary in the early game is terrible.
Arcane Tyrant
This creature is ridiculous in every deck that plays expensive spells. In Jade Druid this is a ridiculous upgrade, as now both Nourish and UI will also give board presence, a major weakness of the deck. UI especially is much better as getting free 4/4 and a 5/5 means that you will rarely lose the board. Unless a dominating aggro deck shows up, this card will return Jade Druid to tier 1. Simply because of this, Arcane Tyrant is a 5/5 card.
If you buff Moroes (say with mark of y’shaarj or power word shield) it becomes a powerhouse though.
Protect the King!
No good against patron though. The Grim Patrons will simply attack into the 1/1s creating more patrons 🙁
Malchezaar's Imp
Just as a 1/3 Demon for 1 isn’t it better than argent squire in most Zoolock Decks?
Enchanted Raven
This is Blizzard’s first creation of a 2/2 at 1 cost though. It’s vanilla stats alone make it viable in any aggro druid shell.
Standard Overload Shaman
Good point. I did some meta analysis and decided that due to the strong presence of zoo in the standard format, it was best to replace Brann with lightning storm.
Standard Overload Shaman
If you have any suggested improvements it would be great if you could leave them in the comments section below 🙂
Standard Budget Dragon Paladin
If anyone has any ideas of improvement it would be great if you could leave them in the comments section below 🙂
How about Coin Bloodbloom Kara Kazham double Arcane Tyrant?