Cveja995's Comments
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Is there going to be final reveal stream and when ?
Anka, the Buried
Yeah but i think its easier to dump cards than to play bad ones , because if you have a lot of combo pieces its to hard to use and not worth it
Anka, the Buried
backstab is the best combo with mechathun because its 0 mana and machathun is one one
Mecha'thun Warrior - Shadows Post-Nerf - #79 Legend (ham1k)
You kill your mechathun and then your last cards are undertaker with mechathun deathrattle inner rage and devastate , and with that you kill undertaker , jeppetto is for the draw if it hits mechathun you can kill with that, its much better that malygos combo.
yes there is if you face leathal which you could be on turn 8 and betterhead cant clear its better to have taunt with divine shield