Cursore1610's Comments
Huntsman Altimor
This card sucks hard. First of all, Infuse 8 is a lot: for this to work on 7, you gotta keep it in the mulligan, meaning you have to accept the fact that you will have to play with 1 card less for most of the game only to have a good 7 mana play. And sure, you can play this with Infuse 4 as well, but is it really worth it at that point? Not to mention that this is an awful topdeck as well. And also, shall I say it outright? If you get to play this turn 7 with Infuse 8 is good, but it’s not game winning. Basically every control deck has a way to remove such as that, and if it becomes popular they will also know to keep a board clear for it. All in all, feels like a dead card to me.
Collateral Damage
Printing big spells for hunter is always a risky choice when the naga cards are still in standard, but I don’t really see Hunter going for such a heavy lifter with so little potential. Sure, it can remove three minions and also damage face, but it’s random, meaning it will be far more clunky to use than it seems, exceptionally so in the late, where the enemy either has wide boards (against the which this card sucks) or tall ones (against the which this card also sucks). All in all, there is some potential there, but i don’t expect this to be played right now.
Castle Kennels
Shit card. A big beast deck doesn’t need this kind of card, and a midrange beast hunter deck doesn’t exist (and even if it did, it would not care for this either because of how low on tempo it is).
Hedge Maze
Great potential overall, since it can provide very good value if you run deck based around deathrattles. That being said, I really don’t see how the deathrattle package for Druid is going to look like, so, just like the other deathrattle druid cards, they might be part of some really powerful combo later along the line, but right now don’t do much.
Death Blossom Whomper
This kind of card always kind of struggles to find the proper deck to be in. Will the Deathrattle package be part of Ramp Druid going forward? I don’t think so, it doesn’t feel like it does something which either Druid lacks right now or so powerful that it could pull through anyway. All in all, I think at some point in time there will be some good combo that will make this card shine, but it seems like its time hasn’t come yet.
Sinful Brand
Very situational, maybe even too much so. I get that this is meant for the token deck, but it really doesn’t feel like it will pull through for that deck. Maybe, just maybe, that deck could go for some form of degenrate combo with double sinful brand on a minion and then going for the win with the 1/1s with rush? I don’t really see it, and I don’t see this card being played in other decks. On average, an aggro deck isn’t going to get more than 4 damage from this card, and on most cases it will just be 2, and that surely doesn’t seem a worthwhile inclusion in a deck which already has to deal 40 damage to control decks rn.
Dispose of Evidence
Seems incredibly powerful. 0 mana cards should never be understimated, exceptionally so when they are THIS powerful. And sure, the downside is bad, but not as bad as discarding a card, since you get to choose which card to shuffle back into your deck. Soul Fire was broken back in the days, and this is basically on the same powerful: Demon Hunter also has several ways to use this card effectively. For once, the various attack and weapon interactions DH has make it so this is better than simply doing 4 damage; then, the new “discard” package for DH is also very good if paired up with cards like this one which get rid of your hand pretty quickly. Imagine how powerful will it be for DH to pair this bad boy up with the new weapon which makes them draw until they have 3 cards in hand. All in all, feels like one of the most powerful cards DH has received in recent memories and should not be underestimated.
Suffocating Shadows
A bad design stuck on a bad card, too random and situational to see play in a meta where discard still remains a hugely bad mechanic. All in all, donìt expect to be seeing this one anytime soon on the ladder.
The Light! It Burns!
Feels really good. Although single target removals have to be really good to be worthy it right now (if this had tradeable, it woul basically be auto include in control priest decks), I think this is so cheap and so effective it just might become a stable even without the flexibility given by something like tradeable. The fact that Prince Renathal exists also incentivises decks to include more tech cards which might not have seen play otherwise.
Kryxis the Voracious
I think people overestimate how good overstatted minions are right now. Playing a turn 4 7/7 which does nothing but sit there doesn’t strike me as the most powerful thing ever, exceptionally so when the enemy can just stall you out and deny you the 3 cards drawn. I will admit that with Dispose of Evidence being revealed a few minutes ago, I can see that the likelihood of this card being played has gone upwards by quite a bit, but still, I am not crazy over it.
The Countess
I’ll have tons of fun playing this, but I don’t know if this is what the Pure Paladin archetype needs to thrive. The issue with it is that it’s a legendary, making it so you can’t really rely on this to outvalue a control deck, since it’s more of a one time thing (unless you discover it with the 3 mana 2/4). However, it doesn’t mean that it’s bad necessarily: against control decks it can prove to be a good late game bomb, giving you a total of 3 legendaries of your choice at 0 mana. However, it does come out at turn 7 at the earliest, which makes it so the opponent either has already lost or can reliably remove the legendaries you throw out. Furthermore, a 7/7 which does nothing is just generally pretty bad against faster decks, but I will commend it for being a good 10 mana play. So, all in all, it seems a good inclusion in a Pure Paladin deck, but I don’t see it as the key piece which will make it work if it doesn’t.
Suspicious Pirate
In the best case scenario this is a 3 mana 3/4 pirate discover a weapon, which doesn’t seem bad, but not good either. In the worst case scenario, it also gives the same weapon to the opponent, which is very bad, because giving weapons to classes which do not normally play weapons makes it so it is very easy for them to play them, since they don’t have to wait for another weapon to finish the durability and all that. So, I don’t see this card being played at all.
Imbued Axe
Just a weird card with the usual limitations which letdown a lot of warrior cards. Don’t see it being played in anything.
0 mana cards can always be dangerously effective, but the issue here is the requirement, which is very hard to accomplish. Let’s consider Murloc Shaman, for example. By turn 4, 4 of your minions probably will have died: so, is this just a 0 mana card by turn 4? Of course not: you would need to have this in your hand since the start of the game for that to be the case. Do you keep this in your mulligan to have it at 0 mana by turn 4? Eh, probably not: you need a 1 drop more than this, I think, and I would likely throw it away if I had to search for one of those. Instead of other 4 mana murlocs, this is also super bad if topdecked. All in all, I don’t have high hopes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it will find some place in the meta.
Party Crasher
Like the idea, but I fear that it’s just filler. Summoning minions from your hand is only good if you actually cheat them, while this is already a 8 drop: why not play two copies of the minion you actually want to play instead of this? I see no use for this card, unfortunately.
I don’t know if I’m missing something with this wildseed mechanic, but if teels broken as whole hell, and this card is no exception. For 5 mana, you get a 4/5, which isn’t good for the tempo, but it’s still a body on board, AND a 3/1 with rush the next turn, a 2/5 with taunt the turn after that and a 5/4 with a 4/2 weapon right after that. Not to mention the interaction with the 3 mana spell which makes it so all your wildseeds hatch one turn sooner. This archetype seems broken as whole hell and this card is no exception.
Orion, Mansion Manager
Pretty cool snowballing card, but in reality I don’t see much of a use for it. Gone are the days of the Secret Tempo Mage archetype, and I don’t see it coming back just yet. The issue with that archetype is that it always needs 1) ways to play secrets with their cost discountes (since 3 mana cards which do nothing immediate aren’t exactly what a tempo deck wants to play necessarily) and 2) ways to reliably draw a lot of cards, since the cards it uses to cast secrets usually cast those in hand because casting them from the deck is something hard to balance with secrets as powerful as Mage’s. Neither of those two conditions are met right now, so, even though this legendary is good, it lacks a deck where to show off its power.
Widowbloom Seedsman
Broken ass card. C’mon, why does Druid still get these broken ramp cards nobody asked for? Exceptionally so when Guff still is a thing. Once upon a time, Druid had to pay the powerful ability to ramp with loss of value and tempo, but the devs seem to have forgotten that that should be a thing; yet again, a new card gets printed which lets Druid gain mana crystals without having to worry about their tempo nor their value.
Relic Vault
This card is very good with the relics, since it also empowers the next ones twice, but I feel like this is too much of a low tempo play to see play in a deck which would need relics anyway. The only deck which might want to play relics and also this card is Big Demon DH, but that deck is already pretty bad and I don’t know if relics are the right thing to get it going. A faster archetype which might want to play relics anyway, like the deathrattle DH, also probably doesn’t want to play this location, since it’s so slow on curve. I don’t know, overall it feels powerful, but I don’t know if relics will be played at all, so there’s that.
Filler card, don’t see any deck which might want to play this.