Cursore1610's Comments
Impending Catastrophe
While the Imp cards seem to generally be okay, this one doesn’t feel as nice. The issue I have with it is that it’s too situational, and these conditional card draws don’t usually work in aggro decks, since they prefer card draw which works even when you don’t have minions on board. I am not a fan of the Imp deck, and this is just another example of these subpar cards which don’t really amount to much if taken all together.
Imp King Rafaam
Even without the Infuse part, it’s still a 6 mana 6/6 which summons 4 random imps: with it, it just becomes crazy. I think that if an imp deck manages to come out of this expansion, this will be definitely in it. The Infuse part is easy to activate in a token deck such as this, and 6 mana is just early enough for it to be relevant in an Aggro deck. It’s honestly just too many stats for it to be not considered as a mid to late game bomb: really do watch out for this card.
Flustered Librarian
Decent 1 drop, but will it be consistent enought with the amount of Imps we have in standard right now? I honestly don’t know, and the fact that she isn’t an imp herself does feel like an issue: in an imp deck, you want imp 1 drops more than anything else. Not to say that this is necessarily a bad card: quite the contrary, actually. It can be really effective and deal a ton of damage if not taken care of, but I have serious problems visualising this famed imp deck. I am really dubious about this card potential in such a deck.
Crud Caretaker
Just a great evolve minion, nothing to say about it. It’s also a battlecry, which makes it so it can also combo off with the macaws and the various battlecry legendaries (I expect then to see play in an evolve deck). I don’t see it will see play outside of the evolve archetype, but it was never meant to anyway.
Criminal Lineup
We shouldn’t underestimate the power of this card: the highroll potential is crazy high. Sure, it does cost a lot of mana, but I am sure there will be ways to circumvent that, and don’t forget that the quest is still in standard. In the late game, you can setup an easy 20 damage combo with three cards thanks to the effect of Brukan, the 1 mana minion with spell damage and a lightning bolt.
Sure, cards like this aren’t really played in decks which can’t use them for some degenerate combo, but this one in particular could also function as a one-off threat if you play some deck which manages to summon big minions in the midgame to late game: I’m thinking Quest Shaman, Totem Shaman with the new Giant, Evolve Shaman as well… Although I wouldn’t put my money on that, I can totally see that happening: using this as a sort of tech card to catch the enemy off guard if they think you don’t have a followup after having summoned a big minion. That being said, in a meta where the 6 mana 5/5 which gives windfury exists, it’s foolish to not expect a followup to a big minion, and that 6 mana is way better than this because instead of creating a big board it simply ends the game. I like this card a lot, but I can’t deny that it probably will see little play until a specific combo using it won’t come out of the community.
Carving Chisel
Ok yeah, this is a good way to generate totems, but the issue is not how to do that reliably, the issue is what the heck to do with them. Like, what’s the gameplan of this totem deck they keep giving supporting cards to? The 5/4 legendary is great and all, but you can’t rely on her alone to buff the totems up. This weapon is a generally good card to summon totems, but without ways to make those totems matter, this ends up being way too irrelevant for it to be included in any deck.
Muck Pools
Just an incredibly good and consistent evolve card. Many of the cards you normally would want to evolve kinda suck if you don’t have the evolve cards in hand or don’t wanna commit for just one minion: however, this makes it so that’s not an issue anymore. And I didn’t even mention how good this card is with the new 3/6 legendary: it makes her snowball like crazy as soon as you get to play her. This location also functions as a perfect 1 drop for a deck which normally doesn’t play a lot of 1 drops and that wants to keep their minions rather than play on tempo. All in all, this card solves a lot of underlying issues Evolve Shaman always had: I can’t see how that deck would not want to play this.
Convincing Disguise
I misclicked and this is the review for Shaman’s location, so on with the review for the actual card we’re talking about: it is a very good and necessary evolve inclusion for an evolve deck. The difference between this and most other Infuse cards is that an evolve deck will have no issue activating this effect in no time: many of its cards generate multiple minions, and you also got plenty of time to Infuse it because you probably both want to keep a card like this in the mulligan and also you’re not gonna play it until turn 5 or 6, since you gotta create a board worth evolving for beforehand. If you do manage to set-up a good board and then evolve it with this, the payoff will be crazy good, since it’s like a double evolve: a 4 drop becomes a 6 drop, a 6 drop becomes an 8 drop, and so on. Overall, another great addition to an archetype that I fully expect to see in some shape or form in the next expansion.
Convincing Disguise
Just an incredibly good and consistent evolve card. Many of the cards you normally would want to evolve kinda suck if you don’t have the evolve cards in hand or don’t wanna commit for just one minion: however, this makes it so that’s not an issue anymore. And I didn’t even mention how good this card is with the new 3/6 legendary: it makes her snowball like crazy as soon as you get to play her. This location also functions as a perfect 1 drop for a deck which normally doesn’t play a lot of 1 drops and that wants to keep their minions rather than play on tempo. All in all, this card solves a lot of underlying issues Evolve Shaman always had: I can’t see how that deck would not want to play this.
The payoff for the totem deck aaaaaaand….it’s not amazing? Like, I get that people are excited and everything, but it really doesn’t strike me as that powerful. We still don’t have that much totem generation for this to come out earlier than turn 5, and at that point in the game it’s not that hard hitting of a payoff. I won’t say this is bad, but I wouldn’t even call it the key card which will make the deck work. The good thing about it is that it’s a totem itself, so it does benefit from totem interaction (not that there any of note, but still). I don’t have high hopes for the Totem Shaman archetype: some totems might be played in the evolve deck, which does feel much stronger overall, but the deck lacks reasons to actually play totems, and it can’t just rely on the new 5/4 legendary.
Primordial Wave
I think people are a bit overestimating this card: sure, it combines evolve and devolve into one card, and both of the cards which it combines were some of the most powerful shaman cards ever, but my issue with it is that you wouldn’t play those cards in the same turn anyway. The turns you needed devolve, you mainly focused on wiping the board out; in the turns you needed evolve, you mainly focused on summoning stuff: without those setup and followup, evolve and devolve didn’t do much. Now, I can easily imagine creating a board and then using this card while also the enemy’s board is there, but leaving a devolved board be without destroying it isn’t exactly the safest option. I am a bit worried this might just be either a 3 mana devolve or a 3 mana evolve, not both at the same time, but I can’t ignore how flexible it is and how good it is for shaman to have the devolve effect back in standard. For example, this completely destroys stuff like deathrattle priest, which often relies on using strong deathrattle minions to control the board (but I should also point out that you can’t attack face after you evolved your board, so it’s not like this is going to give you lethal or anything). All things considered, it’s essential for an evolve deck to have cards like this, but it’s not as powerful as people think.
Baroness Vashj
Very insane card for the Evolve, but wont see ay outside of that. What is going over people’s heads is how snowbally this card can be in an evolve deck: only evolving effect you play on her makes it so new minions get summoned, and that also means more targets for your evolve spells and effects. All in all, a great card for that deck, and can also be quite hilarious when the opponent will try to counter it with hex, metamorphosis or something along those lines.
That being said, it’s more of a one off thing for the evolve deck, which certainly can’t rely just on synergising with her: the deck either works, and this card will be great in it, or it won’t, and this card won’t see play.
Double Cross
Very cool card, but I fell that it’s definitely on the weak side. It’s not super restrictive to not finish your mana each turn, a lot of decks can reliably do that and make it so the card draw is delayed into oblivion. For example, the Rogue secret which drew 2 cards when the opponent played a spell was much easier to activate, since the majority of decks have to play spells in order to advance their gameplan. This doesn’t necessarily mean this secret is bad: I think that it will definitely find its place in the meta if a secret Rogue decks comes up, but I don’t expect it to be super good or anything.
Sinstone Graveyard
The fact that the Ghosts have stealth is cool, but not enough for this to be a powerful card. The issue is this: in a Miracle deck, you need to carefully choose the moments you go all out and play your entire hand, because you can’t do those plays more than once or twice in the entire game. Would you really go all out just to summon a 6/6 stealthed minion? I don’t think so, and if this is meant to be a companion piece to a stronger play, like the new legendary or Van Cleef, then why include it all if those plays already should be able to make you win? Maybe the combo here might be to create a huge ghost, something like a 10/10, and give it windfury next turn thanks to the 6 mana 5/5 neutral card, but that feels very hard to do and ultimately not worth the setup. All in all, a pretty awful card which will struggle to see play anywhere.
Door of Shadows
Very cool card, but it remains to be seen how strong it will actually be. Infuse 2 isn’t an issue for a deck which plays minions, but is a miracle Rogue deck going to reliably have 2 minions die while this is in your hand? Provided Infuse 2 is pretty easy to accomplish, I feel like it won’t be as reliable as people think it will be. That being said, it gives pretty good value to Miracle Rogue decks, which do need ways to generate resources, even though I have my doubts this will be enough to solve that issue. What other kind of deck would want to play this card though? I really don’t know: all Rogue decks are kind of bullshit anyway, always trying to break and stuff, I am sure this will find a home somewhere.
Necrolord Draka
I read the card wrong. I thought the dagger had +1 attack for each card you played during your turn, but the dagger simply has as much attack as the number of cards you played the turn you play the minion which equips it. This makes it noticeably better: if you go all out in one turn and create a 10 attack dagger, you don’t have to go all out again the next turn, you just have a 10/3 dagger and there’s that. While it does make this way better, I still doubt you want to build a deck which had this as a wincon, since it can be somewhat easily countered by weapon removals. The rest of the things I said I still stand by: here’s a good payoff, but where’s the set up?
Necrolord Draka
Definitely a scary card, but it feels a bit inconsistent. First of all, making this your wincon is too risky: not only you have no way of replicating this card or searching for it into your deck, but it’s also perfectly countered by any kind of weapon removal. What I find scary about this card though is that it provides instant damage based on how many cards you play in any give turn. Something like Van Cleef or the new location benefit from playing a lot of cards in a single turn, but they also don’t do immediate damage to the enemy hero and make it it’s pretty easy to remove them for a control deck. This card has no such problems: not only it does instant damage, but it can also be harder to remove for a deck which doesn’t have weapon removal. My general opinion on this miracle deck they are pushing though is that it lacks fuel: sure, you might even play 10 cards in a turn, and this card might let you do 11 damage to the enemy hero just like that, but what then? Because playing 10 cards will probably leave you without anything else to play from your hand: you might have created a board and dealt some damage to the enemy hero, but what if the enemy just both destroys your minions and your weapon? Or even if they just destroy your minions, what are you gonna do with this weapon and an empty hand? Miracle Rogue hasn’t exist in standard for a long time now, and the closest things to it were combo deck which simply relied on otking the opponent, and this legendary doesn’t do that. This card is but another payoff for a deck which doesn’t have the setup.
Partner in Crime
Damn, this brings back memories. Memories of little slimes and Spikersteeds.
I digress.
This card feels pretty awful. The main issue is that it costs way too much for a deck which might want to buff this. Aggro Priest relies on 1 drops and 2 drops because that’s when you want to buff things a lot to make it so the opponent is overwhelmed. And the issue is you can’t even drop this by turn 4 and buff it then, because you need mana to buff it, which means that this should be delayed to turn 5 or 6 even, which makes it even less impactful. And sure, the location is insane and it curves out perfectly with this lady, but I don’t think that’s enough for this card to be viable.
Identity Theft
This is a very powerful card for Steal Priest, but the fundamental issue here is that that deck doesn’t exist and has no reason to.
Like, I need people to understand that the reason why Burgle Rogue works is because of the cards which interact with the stolen cards and provide insane tempo in return. Priest has none of that: it only has a legendary which might actually steal a couple of cards from the opponent and that’s it. Turns out that paying mana just to have cards the opponent has for free is not a good win condition.
Apart from that deck, I don’t see any other deck which might want to play this. Maybe Quest Priest just to fill the curve? I don’t know though, the new location seems like a much better option to do exactly that.
This card is obviously very, very good. It’s a lot of stats for 4 mana, the infuse effect is easy to activate for an aggro deck, and this also interacts both with imp interactions, demon interactions and handbuff interactions. I’m convinced this will be a stable for zoo warlock going forward, since it has too many different possible uses to not be.