Cursore1610's Comments
Twin Tyrant
I think that he’s too heavy for quest shaman. Some builds don’t even use Shudderwock anymore! Of course, as Evolve returns to the hell it deserves to stay in, maybe the deck will change into a slower build, so there’s always a possibility.
Toxic Reinforcements
I am not sure about the one drop thing. Normally, in an aggro deck that wants to burst the opponent down, you don’t basically skip your first turns hero powering. I don’t see it, for now.
I have never seen bomb lobber being used, but if you’re sure about it, then that’s my bad. I think that the hunter decks who want to go face without caring about board control are not the ones we have right now, and anyway they would prefer something that does damage face for sure, not taking any chances, especially at turn 6 when aggro decks want to close out the game. That’s just my opinion, though, I could be completely wrong about the card. We are gonna see when the expansion comes out 🙂
Bomb Lobber has never seen play, even if it wasn’t bad on itself. I would argue that Bomb Lobber is not that much worse than Dragonbane. The thing is that turn 4 Dragon Bane is just a 4 mana 3/5, which is bad, and then if you want to proc its effect you have to pay 2 mana every turn, and let’s remember that those 2 mana won’t be used on good tempo plays that would be better. On top of that, the 5 damage is random, and is not even restricted to minions: that means that if there’s only one 5/5 enemy minion and NOTHING else on board, there’s still a 50 percent chance that it doesn’t hit it.
Nozdormu the Timeless
Midrange decks have SOME late game bombs that try to close out the game, but they are not based on those. Normally, Highlander paladin tries to do some really good plays in the mid game (namely, Mysterious challenger) that can hardly be removed by the control decks; then, in late game, they drop that Ragnaros, Tyrion, Sylvanas or other things to end the game. Nozdormu would just put a control deck in a better position, because it would be able to remove your big threats thanks to the strong late game removals and it would not care about the smaller ones.
Fate Weaver
Thaurissan is played in specific decks that need their costs to be reduced, it’s not played by just everyone. Since for now it is not clear what kind of deck Galakrond Priest wants to be, I wouldn’t be so excited about this card right away.
Praise Galakrond!
Generating Lackey is value, but Lackeys themselves are good tempo plays. The problem with the deck is that everything, except for Galakrond and his hero power, is a bad tempo play. Dealing 3 damage to an undamaged enemy minion is NOT fast at all: it’s expensive and akward. Praise Galakrond is giving just one stat to a minion, but perhaps I think that’s the best card of the bunch, since the lost of tempo is compensated by the lackey afterwards. Shield of Galakrond and Devoted Maniac have terrible stats for their cost and do not provide damage to the opponent face nor do them provide some good board control tools.
To be fair, I think that Galakrond for Rogue has such a good battlecry that it may be worthwhile to try the deck out, but right now it just seems lacking.
Nozdormu the Timeless
Remember that Highlander paladin was not even part of the meta before Doom in the Tomb. It definitely is a force to be reckoned with right now, but after Mysterious Challenger, Ragnarso; sylvanas and Avenge retun to wild I don’t think that Highlander paladin will be strong as it is now. And why should Highlander paladin play this card at all? I feel like an Aggro or Midrange deck wouldn’t want to skip the early and mid game.
Praise Galakrond!
Not over anything, just over Galakrond. While I know that tempo rogue without quest is better, I see a lot more quest rogue tahn tempo versions. Tbh, right now it seems like the Galakrond package provides more value than actual tempo, that’s why I said that tempo rogue would prefer the quest over galakrond.
Learn Draconic
No, I did know that you could pay for it on multiple turns. Still, I think that mage doesn’t have a good deck that might want to play this card. Would be good for secret tempo mage, but it would need more card draw.
Emerald Explorer
Yes, but right now there aren’t any druid archetypes that need just good card. Druid decks are very synergistic right now, not like highlander decks for paladin or mage. Of course that can change, hopefully : )
Dragon's Hoard
The card itself is better than pilfer, which I did find sometimes in the ladder in some wahcky build, so maybe it could recevie some play. I don’t think that a non-meme deck would use it though.
Molten Breath
This is preety average, but not bad in a dragon control warrior. To be fair, I would prefer if Blizzard tried to give other things to Warrior except for removals, but I guess it’s not pushing mech warrior anymore (thank god).
Nozdormu the Timeless
Did you like 4 mana 7/7? Now get ready for this…
I feel like the card is not THAT good. To be clear, I think that it works as Zihi, so you can use 6 mana right away. Your opponent gets to use 10 mana before you do, but you do have a 4 mana 8/8 just like that…. the thing is that a midrange deck doesn’t want the control decks to have access to the late game bombs and the removals. Nozdormu is really good even in the late game, where it’s just a 4 mana 8/8. To be fair, I do believe that a midrange dragon paladin build could be really good, but Nozdormu is just not perfect for that particualr playstile. I don’t see a paladin deck that really wants this effect, except for maybe duel paladin. The main thing is that it lets you skip the early and the mid game, going straight up to late, similarly to bilogy project in some manner. I think that it really needs to be used to understand how good it is.
Corrosive Breath
So it seems not bad, but the Dragon hunter archetype just seems a worse version of a beast hunter. It doesn’t have enough good cards to really be a super aggressive archetype, and to me it seems poor at best and terrible at worst.
Malygos, Aspect of Magic
I just discovered that those three aren’t the only malygos’ spells. That doesn’t really change what I think about the card, because the high randomness is compensated by the higher flexibility.
Candle Breath
This card is something a lot of people are hyped for. I get it, it does seem particularly strong, but of course the problem is running dragons for rogue. I guess that if high tempo dragons get printed, maybe this card will be played in tempo dragon rogue. The legendary dragon for rogue is not the high tempo dragon rogue would need to make such an archetype viable, so I am excited to see what blizzard is going to release.
Sand Breath
Divine strength on steroids. Divine strength has never seen play in a midrange deck, but the card itself was really good: it was one of the strongest play in Galvadon paladin and the stats really made a minion sticky early on. Will a midrange dragon build be viable? Perhaps a highlander version? Could be, even because paladin already has decent dragon synergies. Dragon speaker and the package from RoS could be the hearth and soul of the archetype.
Odd hunter is only wild, where the power level is much higher. I think it would be just a meme.